By Gardengirl1
Vale of Glamorgan,
How can I stop them eating all my friends cabbages while he's away he won't use chemicals.
8 Sep, 2009
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Yeah that's what he was doing yest. I'll have to put a glove on.
8 Sep, 2009
One of the white buttterflies lays yellow eggs in groups, if you rub these out it saves a lot of trouble. but unfortunetly the other one lays seperate eggs and you need that glove.
8 Sep, 2009
I did it I picked up caterpillars with gloves on I put them in a pot and emptied them 20 yards away in thick grass. Lots of babies too.
10 Sep, 2009
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The only thing to do is pick them off one by one.
8 Sep, 2009