I'd like this one identified too!
By Mondeoman
United Kingdom
Purchased 2/3 years ago. Clusters of small deep blue flowers in July for a very short time. Planted in shady position at front of border. Clay soil. Located in east Essex with relatively low rainfall.

8 Aug, 2009
this plant i think is a form of Tradescantia andersonia
8 Aug, 2009
oh yes it could well be. the leaf is a bit wide for my first suggestion.
8 Aug, 2009
Might as well throw in Camassia too and see if that looks like it when you google it.
9 Aug, 2009
Having googled I will go with trad andersonia so will replant in the sun with a few more later on. Thanks.
12 Aug, 2009
a pity you dont have a photo of the flower. it would be a lot easier. :o)
try tritelia laxa as a possibility. google and see if it matches.
8 Aug, 2009