leucojum needs (lots of) help!!
United States
ok, so ive never grown a plant before, this is my first plant, and in hindsight maybe i should have gone for something simple. but this one is so cute!!
so the plant is supposed to stand up and have flowers, but after a few weeks of having it, all the long stalk leaves and flower parts just started to droop under their own weight and now it looks more like a flat plant.
i water it a lot because the little tag said moist soil, but maybe i water it too much? i also moved it outside where it could be in full sun because for a while it didnt get very much (which the tag also says it needs) but this didnt seam to help. any suggestions? exactly how much do i need to water this sweet baby?
On plant
Leucojum aestivum
12 May, 2008
The common name is 'snow flake'. It is not really a pot plant. I don't know what your climate is like, but over here in the UK it grows outdoors in semi-shade and flowers in spring. You will then have a clump of leaves for a few months while it builds up the bulb for next year. It will then die down completely and reappear next year. The leaves will naturally get longer, but if you've had it indoors, it probably has not received enough light (light bulbs do nothing for plants - they need daylight). I would think the kindest thing to do with your baby is to plant it outdoors and just water occasionally until it dies down. I should then pop up again next year. Good luck!
13 May, 2008