I'm back!
! Well here it is late morning and I have been since early this morning taking pics and uploading and, and, etc… Sorry to dissapoint you Spritz but it’s not an eagle or a vulture!! Although my email is easyeagle1. Everyone meet “Lucy”
named after the pet name my husband had for me as he said I kept him well entertained with my adventures! lol
Got to go now me & Lucy need breakfast!
5 Sep, 2008
Previous post: Going to the Pet Shop!
Next post: Have to strike while the iron is hot!
awww Lucy is beautiful.
5 Sep, 2008
I commented as soon as you posted your photos but I will say again - she's lovely and I wish you happiness with her!
5 Sep, 2008
Thank you Spritz I know you did! :)
5 Sep, 2008
"If you knew Lucy, like I know Lucy............."
We think you are a wunnerful gal!
6 Sep, 2008
I'm sure she'll be good company for you Pollyannaever.
6 Sep, 2008
I'm sure your husband would have thoroughly approved of Lucy, and of the name you've chosen.
I hope you have many happy years together.
My budgie, Crocus, is great company.
6 Sep, 2008
Hello Lucy. I'm writing from Romania so not home yet. Good to see you have a nice new pet. Does she talk?
6 Sep, 2008
No Chris she doesn't talk. The males are usually the better talkers at least with birds lol ! She might but I wanted the female because they are usually the most cuddley. I have had budgies in the past and always males and I taught them all to talk.
6 Sep, 2008
Welcome to Lucy! She is a real cutie!, love the color in her cheeks!
6 Sep, 2008
Welcome Lucy she's lovely.
6 Sep, 2008
Lovely Lucy. I used to have an aviary, the cockatiels used to love being sprayed with water. You may want to try that outside though, Pollyanna!
6 Sep, 2008
Thank you everyone from Lucy and me! It's another fresh experience for me and I am a little nervous not in handling Lucy just the responsibility I guess. I have apparently already started getting used to be alone (sort of!) I'll write more in a blog. Did I say that!! Goodness I guess I'm stuck now in blogland!! lol
6 Sep, 2008
One more here before I go tend to some other life! Hey David how old did you say you are?! I presume you know what song you are singing ay? Eddie Cantor and its if you knew Susie! lol but I'm sure you knew that didn't you, you were just putting Lucy's name in ay? I know you know your songs! Just checking
6 Sep, 2008
Yes, but I thought it suited here. I have a recording of a much more recent song, referring to the original, but with the name changed to Lucy! Also, I never said how "old" I am, but old enough to remember the first re-run of the "I Love Lucy" shows and the "Here's Lucy" series. Had to watch every week on b/w TV, lol! You really are wonderful!
6 Sep, 2008
Sure Lucy will be great company for you and keep you busy with her antics, she`s a real cutie, looks like she`s blushing, maybe she`s reading about all the nice things everyone is saying about her, Welcome Lucy!
12 Sep, 2008
Thank you Pansy she is trying to be the boss so I'm working on taming her to be handled.
12 Sep, 2008
Recent posts by pollyannaever
- More Adventures Of Pollyannaever!
23 Dec, 2008
- Continued adventures of Pollyanna
25 Nov, 2008
- Trying to post some new pics!
22 Oct, 2008
- The Golden Years are smilin on me!!
15 Oct, 2008
- Lucy's First Weekend Getaway!
15 Sep, 2008
- Fall has fallen?
11 Sep, 2008
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Sure she ll bring you many years of happiness and will be loved and spoilt by you.
Mary our parrot is a terrific mimic from telephones to lorries .Her favourite is me sneezing during very high pollen counts(not a problem this year).
She picked up on it and regularly 'sneezes' after each series she adds now shut up daddy at the end of it !
Needless to say I know where I come in the pecking order.
5 Sep, 2008