view from joes room
By Sanbaz

17 May, 2009
everythings looking lovely and green
Comments on this photo
it all looks so differant when wet michaela, a fresh bright look,, still looking forward to some sunshine though,,
17 May, 2009
It always looks good and fresh after a drop of rain and yes we needed it but I,m like you Sandra and now want my sunshine back......
17 May, 2009
me too...we have a bit of sun about, but you get all excited, get the washing on the line, stick the gardening gloves on ....and by the time you orgainse yourself out there over come the clouds and down comes the rain :-(
18 May, 2009
:o(, not any better today either ang.. guess i better get the housework done today,, woohooo
18 May, 2009
know the feeling :-( although i am out this afternoon while madam is at school - no where exciting just helping out at the play group at the i am off loading my little money to go look after someone elses lol
18 May, 2009
i use to love doing that ang.. being with all the kids,, its fun,,my neighbour just called so i now have to take him to collect his car,, his wife had fall at garden centre(of all places) and is now at hospital but ok thank god,,so he needs to pick up the car,, anyway have good afternoon ang,, take care x
18 May, 2009
I appreciated the rain last week but getting cheesed of with it now.
18 May, 2009
i know clarice its getting me down,, did some weeding yesterday inbetween showers, but just not the same
18 May, 2009
I'm loving your green fence Sandra - project for me next year
19 May, 2009
yes it looks so much better green, blends in more i think :o)
19 May, 2009
Looking great, cant see a weed in sight.......
31 May, 2009
they come up every day but i have them out quick sharp lol
1 Jun, 2009
Gosh the grass is sooooooooo green Sanbaz. Was it turfed or seeded ?
29 Nov, 2009
it looks better than what it is im afraid,, i just keep it cut short and as we have had plenty of rain this summer it looks very lush, lots of dandilions, buttercups and clover in it, but some how still looks nice lol,
29 Nov, 2009
Evergreen is very good for moss, though I don't know what it's like on weeds Sanbaz.
29 Nov, 2009
thanx cottage, i dont seem to have moss so thats something, im a bit scared to do anything with it just incase i end up with a bold lawn lol, just been looking at your garden ,, so pretty and well planned, you have done well :o))
29 Nov, 2009
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Right you are, that is why I appreciate the rain so much.
17 May, 2009