The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Hobbit Hummock


By Gillian

Hobbit Hummock

Comments on this photo


This is good.
I like the stones :o)

7 Mar, 2009


I hope something moves in. It looks like a very desirable residence.

7 Mar, 2009


So long as it's not the local skunk!

7 Mar, 2009


Is it my imagination or is there a little face peeping out ?

7 Mar, 2009


Thats a brilliant ideal Gillian.....something is bound to take up residence....maybe a little hedgehog..........nice

7 Mar, 2009


Sadly we don't get hedgehogs in Canada, that would be cute!

7 Mar, 2009


Perhaps you might have to put up with the local skunk then he he he ............

7 Mar, 2009


Ithought it looked like a face inside.

7 Mar, 2009


Nothing in there yet - that I know of..........

7 Mar, 2009


I've left a message in one of my mole-hills, informing the dear little mole that there is a lovely home all ready for him in Canada! As I write he is furiously digging his way over to you. Good luck :)

7 Mar, 2009


Ank what's wrong with skunks. Apparently their musk is used in some of the best perfumes and you could have it all undiluted.

8 Mar, 2009


Brilliant :o)

8 Mar, 2009


To be honest I don't mind the smell of skunks so long as it's not on me, reminds me of marigolds (yes,my family thinks I'm crazy!).

8 Mar, 2009


Not so crazy Gillian.

8 Mar, 2009


I like the smell of marigolds. I'd probably like skunks aswell then.

8 Mar, 2009


Marigolds are alright Hywel, until you get the Fairy Liquid on them.

8 Mar, 2009


I,m pleased you could see a face Clarice , there is one isn,t there , like a fox ! are we the only two that can see it ?.

9 Mar, 2009


Brilliant building for something to live in.

9 Mar, 2009


Clarice, Amy I don't know what your on but I'd like some please. I could do with a couple of decent hallucinations.

9 Mar, 2009


I love your idea, you've done it well. Fantastic idea. I'm wonderfing where I could have

I see the animal face, in the doorway. Just behind the light. Thats what makes the little place all that much more perfect to me. Wonderful. :-)

14 Mar, 2009


Brilliant.....Frodo will love this.

Amy, I can see a face too but I think it must be a Hobbit.

14 Apr, 2009

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