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Easter Monday’s Weather

Easter Monday’s Weather

Hey ho here we go ....

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Now c'mon Dawn, this isn't funny! Just can't bear any more..:((

29 Mar, 2018



29 Mar, 2018


The last time we opened the garden, it was at the end of April. Glad we're not doing it until mid August this year. The snow might have finished by then.

29 Mar, 2018


Fingers crossed Andrew, haha.
There's no definite pattern to the weather these days is there.

30 Mar, 2018


I remember mid April many years ago, we had a warm few days and I thought spring had arrived, so I decided to plant my Pelargoniums in the garden. I put them nicely all around the lawn and they looked pretty :)

The following Saturday morning I woke to find my lovely Pelargoniums had all disappeared under deep snow !! lol :D

Horrified, I rushed out in my pyjamas and a pair of wellies, yanked them up and took them back into the greenhouse ... but they never did well that year.

Since then I never plant anything out until mid May at the earliest, and I never sow seeds until mid or even end of April.

We've hardly had any snow here this winter so we've been lucky, but you never know ... I hope we don't get snow. One snowflake is too much for me lol

30 Mar, 2018


Oh dear Hywel, that April tricked you out, I hope you get away with it this April. Dressing gown and wellies is my usual early morning gardening attire. I've learnt to resist sowing seed too early too and getting my tomatoes planted in the greenhouse - if it turns cold they stop growing, end of May for tomato planting for me now.

30 Mar, 2018


Yes, I am getting later and later with seed sowing as I learn from bitter experience. If things get halted they never really recover. My beetroots never recovered from that late frost last year. They sat there doing was really amazing how badly they were affected. We had snow today but it has been raining so much there is no chance of anything lying. Miserable....and no sign of any real improvement either.

30 Mar, 2018


Oh no Karen. I’m getting a bit sick of this weather now, looks like rain every day for at least a week with snow and rain on Monday. We get frosts here as late as the end of May so I don’t put anything tender out until June, a lesson learnt from bitter experience.

30 Mar, 2018


Yes, if it weren't for the fact that we have worked so hard and achieved so much over the past few weeks, I would be thoroughly fed up. I looked out earlier and noticed that my Mahonia is very very ugly with all the leaves ruined by frost, and my Escallonias need cutting back as well. Some of the damage done earlier is only just showing and its very depressing.

30 Mar, 2018


I did say Dawn it was forecast snow for Easter no doubt just being down the road from you I ll get it as Yep just checked.

30 Mar, 2018


Here in balmy Berkshire, the rain has been heavy and relentless all day. We are supposed to have a dry day on Sunday, but it is too wet to do anything. And just for good measure, we had a power cut earlier as well.
I may have to stay indoors and order more plants.

30 Mar, 2018


Thats exactly what I did yesterday Andrew! Lol! Snow for us on Monday. :(

31 Mar, 2018


Oh never......this is ridiculous.!!

31 Mar, 2018


Karen, you did well to take advantage when you could to get your jobs done. Let's hope you don't get snow.
That easterly wind does its damage - my bay trees, phormium and yukka look particularly bad.
3d, the snow forecast here has been changed to a yellow warning of heavy rain here, on top of the constant rain, not great news.
Andrew, power cut! Goodness me, hope you're laptop was fully charged! I keep eating and ordering plants too.

31 Mar, 2018


We had a power cut this week as well! Had a lovely day today and actually sat outside to brush the dog at the back which was lovely. But bracing myself for tomorrow...brrrrr

1 Apr, 2018


Lovely here today too, well dry! Cold and dull but dry.
It’s hard to believe it’s going to be so horrible again, I hope you don’t get it too bad Karen.

1 Apr, 2018


Thanks Dawn....perhaps it will be the final blast of the winter. But today has been beautiful blue sky all day. I did some weeding and planting at the back and had a lovely walk with the dogs and my Son. :)

1 Apr, 2018


A good day all round, so what if there is snow tomorrow ;-)

1 Apr, 2018


Whaat? er..sorry! I thought for a minute that that said "Matawatchan"... What is going on here? We are having the same kind of "weather" with snow and spring here yet, though. Hope it doesn't last long.

4 Apr, 2018


Still snowing here......sigh

4 Apr, 2018


Lori, Karen, poor you’s, sigh.

4 Apr, 2018



5 Apr, 2018


Yay. :-))

5 Apr, 2018


No rain here in Bracknell today. Got lots of jobs done in the garden today. I'm a happy bunny :-)

5 Apr, 2018


Our weather is starting to moderate. All our moisture comes down as snow, though. We are now having overnight temps in the single minuses. Last week the average was minus 10. The deer are eating the shrubbery to stay alive. the turkeys are having trouble too... still lots of snow in the forest. melting only where the sun shines..and still frozen solid in the shade despite the sunshine. May we all have some relief from this soon! It's so depressing.

10 Apr, 2018


Hope it changes soon Lori. Its still winter here today. Cold, foggy, wet, windy. Miserable!

10 Apr, 2018


Next week should be warmer (allegedly)

10 Apr, 2018


Oh, thank you Andrew! I just checked, and yes, a lot better from Sunday onwards....phew. I so hope they are right! :)

10 Apr, 2018


I'm liking this from sheer perversity...have you noticed how the weather service just seems to throw the dice? ..or ask the Oracle? They keep promising us a week of warm days about a week in advance..but by the time the warm days are due to arrive..the forecast has been revised and the warm is only tepid or gone entirely from the forecast. any more of this and I'll need an attitude adjustment. bah humbug.

13 Apr, 2018're not wrong...that does happen! lol! :Z

13 Apr, 2018

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