Abies Koreana.....
By Dottydaisy2
- 31 May, 2015
OHs Bonsai.... getting on a bit now, so forming a lovely trunk.
Comments on this photo
I've nominated it as I know how much goes into growing them :o)
31 May, 2015
Thanks Amy ..... I would imagine it is over 20 years old now, we trim the roots every two years, shame you lost one of yours, good job you had two more, safety in numbers lol
Thanks Meadowland..
31 May, 2015
I read that as: OH is getting on a bit now and has a lovely trunk - LOL
31 May, 2015
Andrew Spec savers Lol !!!
31 May, 2015
I will tell him that Andrew.......not sure how he will take it lol
31 May, 2015
Lol! andrew! My mew little Bonsai Acer is doing great. Wonder if I will last another 20 years! I hope so, but you never can tell!
1 Jun, 2015
Well done to your OH DD, its a lovely one, not sure of his trunk though. Lol I m sure he will find the funny side of Andrews reading.
1 Jun, 2015
Lovely Bonsai and love the wiggly trunk. Gerry bends our young Bonsai with bendy plastic wire to get some shape in the trunks.
3 Jun, 2015
Lindak OH chose this one because of the trunk, made it more interesting....
Three pence he likes doing this sort of thing.... despite his age and trunk lol;-) ✌
9 Jun, 2015
There was a programme on Japan a few nights ago and it was very interesting to watch. I went to Japan in the early eighties with Gerry, and it wasn't so modernised then as it is now. We went to Tokyo for the first week then travelled on to Toba, Nara, Kyoto and several other out of the way places. We were there for 2 weeks then on to Singapore for a week. They love their Bonsai trees and small gardens and parks and take special care with pattern work in shingle type of stones.
10 Jun, 2015
Pictures by Dottydaisy2
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This photo is of "Abies koreana (korean fir)" in Dottydaisy2's garden
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Wonderful It doing so well , how old is it ? do you trim the roots annually ? I have a pot of Horse Chestnut Bonsia the Conkers were picked up on a walk by our children 40 odd years ago I had 3 in a pot but killed one by trimming its roots too much :o( the 2 remaining ones are still very much with us ....
31 May, 2015