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Ribbon Snake

Ribbon Snake

Probably the most commonly seen snake around here, this one is crossing a bike path.

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Oh my, no thank you! :((

14 Mar, 2014


it does stand out a bit! is it venomous/dangerous to people?

15 Mar, 2014


The biggest danger is Salmonella from handling it. Ribbon Snakes excrete a liquid that smells terrible and they will bite but often times the bite is not very painful and only on occasion has a bite from one of these made me bleed. It's a species of garter snake, so overall they are pretty harmless.

15 Mar, 2014


same with adders over here - bite is enough for its prey, not for people unless they have a weak heart, and then it's often the shock more than the actual bite that does the damage.

Their slime coating sounds like a very good defence! but there must be something that doesn't mind it - they must have a natural predator to keep the numbers in balance.

16 Mar, 2014

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