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Hebe 'Hagley Park'

Hebe 'Hagley Park' (Hebe)

Comments on this photo


oooh I do like this...noted in my book :o)))
I'm very partial to Hebe...

25 May, 2012


very nice :))))

25 May, 2012


That is beautiful. Not seen that before

25 May, 2012


I do like that. Gone in my favourites.

25 May, 2012


very pretty, its so delicate

25 May, 2012


I wish I could get a good photo of the whole plant- it's really pretty. :-) Glad you agree with me!

25 May, 2012


A lovely one.....

25 May, 2012


I like this, how big is it and more to the point, how hardy? I lose all my small hebes in that really bad winter. Do the leaves have a slightly blue tinge? Why can't you photograph the whole plant?:-)

26 May, 2012


beautiful and gorgeous flower:-))))

26 May, 2012


Ba - you are difficult to please! I'll try to get more of the Hebe in, but the neighbours' ugly stock fence will also be visible.

It is hardy. When I planted up the 'fence border' I chose some dwarf Hebes, and made the GC check their hardiness on the Hebe website. :-))

How big? I suppose no more than 2'6". The leaves are shiny, but not blue.

26 May, 2012


lol I,m really chuckling. I thought Ba how rude, and then I realised she was only querying the difficulty in getting the whole plant into the photo. I think, I hope.

26 May, 2012


Lol Scotsgran...Spritz likes me being rude:-) I've googled it Spritz and looked on 'images' none look as lovely as yours nor so blue. Have a go and you'll see what I can I have yours please?:-)

26 May, 2012


I've had a go at taking a photo. Please ignore the fence! (No, you can't have mine...)

It wasn't THAT funny, Scotsgran! Just ignore

27 May, 2012


Tried to get this Hebe yesterday, no luck...will have to order on line me thinks...

27 May, 2012


What a shame - I hope you find one.

27 May, 2012


Thanks Spritz, we only tried one local GC, but I'll have another go elsewhere, but also check out on line too..

27 May, 2012


Have you looked in the RHS Plantfinder?

27 May, 2012


No I haven't, but can do...too...

28 May, 2012


Sorry - I just did, and only RHS Wisley is down as a supplier. They don't do mail order, so unless you know someone who could get one for you from there and send it, that was no help. :-(

28 May, 2012


Thanks Spritz, will keep trying, there's a couple of shrubs I'm after...

29 May, 2012


Well, you never know. Mr. Google is usually helpful. :-))

29 May, 2012


Went to a really big GC today, and I was fairly confident that I would find it...not even a decent Hebe, or any other Shrub that I was hoping to buy...

Did get a couple of replacement Perennials I lost over winter, so that was something...

30 May, 2012


Yes, that's always satisfying! :-)) Keep looking.

31 May, 2012

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This photo is of species Hebe.

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This photo is of "Hebe 'Hagley Park'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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