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Looks like Cleome...but it's very small...

Looks like Cleome...but it's very small...

Can anyone help me with this one? the leaf has three leaflets and the flowers look like cleome ...but very small.
This must be a self seeder as I didn't have this type in my other garden. Thanks to Greenthumb I have the name, Cleome gynandra!

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soz hun .............. not much help !!!

25 Aug, 2011


me it tho...

25 Aug, 2011


There are a few Cleomes with just the three leaves, so I think that you're on the right track. Can't help any more than that though.........

27 Aug, 2011


Thanks for your interest Cristina and Cris. Meanie: If you notice, it has seed I'm going to catch the seed and next year I'll have more!! Thanks ...I think it's a cleome and will look it up when I have a minute...

27 Aug, 2011


Cleome gynandra, looks to reseed rather prolifically in Montreal. I can;t see that it is much different from the cultivated variety, but may act different left to its own in zone 3.

4 Oct, 2011


Glad you've found out...nothing worse than racking your brain box, trying to work it out....:)))

4 Oct, 2011


I can't trust the old brain box anymore, Crissue...sometimes it works...but most times Google works! have heard that it doesn't get better either...on the slippery slope age-wise!
Thanks Gt... what's the Montreal reference? If it's native to zone 3 I should be able to grow it no problem.

4 Oct, 2011


I want back to find the info I was using talking about it reseeding in montreal and going wild, but it just isn't there. I think I found or misread, its not all memories in the brain I did find that wild shots of cleome are mostly white and smaller like your shot here. Might be reseeding. It grows wild in my home town, with winter about -20F.

5 Oct, 2011


Morning Lori....Love that expression Google works lol...
Thank god we've got it in our time eh...:)))

5 Oct, 2011


That's typical of the web, Gt... I wouldn't worry. Will see if anything pops up when I google it... will let you know if I find anything. There are a few really good sites for identifying wildflowers that I go to regularly...might be something about it there. hometown is in Utah? That's balmy as we sometimes get to the confluence of the F. and C. scales...minus 40 degrees! and have even seen readings of minus 60 (without the windchill factor) like the only Johnny Horton song..."When it's spring time in Alaska it's forty below!" lol....
Crissue: You are so right! before you had to have your own library and a very supple memory... I like google!

7 Oct, 2011


Me too lol...+ you go looking for info on one thing, and bound to find something else interesting...:))

7 Oct, 2011


that's true! :-)!

9 Oct, 2011


I am from Idaho, but much family in Utah. And in both locations where my family lives, winter temps of-20F are not unusual. Plant survivability is much greater though, as they are very dry, and a dry frozen is softer than a wet frozen. (Jeez...that is a jumble of Usually doesn't last as long as here or there though.

I have been amazed that my snapdragons have been going non-stop through the last two weeks of 0 to-3 C. I had to cut them because I was afraid I was going to see blooms under snow! I've had them frost off at the hint of cold other years. I just kept this fall dry in the beds, and no rain, that and they were so healthy, some were 4-5ft tall, to my shoulders.

10 Oct, 2011


In my last garden the soil was clayey and it was usually a sodden heavy mass in the autumn...and I noticed that the addition of sharp sand made a difference to the "survival" of my perennials and even some of the annuals (in the milder winters) These are the things we learn with time, aye? The hillside where I'm gardening now is mostly gravel! I've been seiving the stones out and putting back the sandy soil and using the stones to make "french drains" to stop the erosion of the spring run-off. Had some very interesting plants come up all by themselves and they look to be self seeders from a previous garden on the spot..(who knows how many years ago?) They look like mallow but you can take a peak at the pic in my photos...will be glad to send you some seed if you would like because they are bee magnets...great to look at..very sturdy and frost resistant. great background plants. Let me know if you would like some seed. Then you would have tall snapdragons and mallow!

11 Oct, 2011


OOO, I hadn't thought of mallow. That would be good in the mix, big leaves and flowers to contrast the snaps. That could be just the thing. I've seen those pics and I think they are lovely.

I like that you let things be and watched for this first year. Really give you a better idea what your are really dealing with, and how the area naturally flows. That'll be first thing when I move anywhere.

14 Oct, 2011


if you would like some just drop me a private message with your address. They are still blooming as we have had some very warm weather over the last week. There is also the possibility that they need a frost to make the seed viable. I can send you a number of seed pods. I remember well the years I spent gardening on someone else's property....When we got our first house I was so anxious to start but had to wait until we had a fence around the property before I could really make the garden I wanted. Here I have mentally mapped out the frost pockets and the exposed spots...couldn't begin to fence in much beyond a patio area. We had a deer go through the yard...and it liked the euonymous and the hostas. Here we are in the middle of nature...with squirrels, foxes, many birds, hawks, doves, deer, coyotes...and today our resident partridge returned to say hello. Likes the wild area that was once a lawn but is now a messy meadow!

15 Oct, 2011


So lovely! I love nature spilling in.

15 Oct, 2011

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