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Unknown Rose


By Crissue

Unknown Rose

One of my half price buys this week...just love the colour, but came with no label, perhaps one of you Rose experts can name her...

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Lovely colour!...found a website yesterday which shows and describes hundreds of French roses...unfortunately, I didn't mark it and can't find it again, lol!

24 Jul, 2011


I don't know it's name Sue, but what a great bargain! lovely colour.
I jsut had to spray most of my roses this morning..dman greenflies everywhere! Grrrr! Thank God for Rose clear :)

24 Jul, 2011


I know it's a shame, have you seen my blog on Aphids Pixi...I make a mix of Garlic and water...Aphids do not like Garlic...and it's cheaper than Rose clear...

Karen if you click on the arrow, on the google box it will drop down and give you the list of where you've been, so you should be able to locate it again...Would be good if you could...we might able to find the name for yours as well...
Nice little compact rose, glad you all liked it...:)))

24 Jul, 2011


Garlic aye? Ahaha I thought they were evil beasties! Will try it! thanks :)

24 Jul, 2011


You're welcome....

24 Jul, 2011


Does it have to be fresh garlic? Would garnules do? Was just thinking too..wouldn't that take away the beautiful smell of the rose?

24 Jul, 2011


No not at all Pixi...Mine smell just as sweet...I know one of the other GOYers used granules, but I think fresh is best its stronger...

24 Jul, 2011


Ok will try it! :) thanks x

24 Jul, 2011 is a bit whiffy overnight!...but it works on more than greenfly! :)))

24 Jul, 2011


lol worth it tho!

24 Jul, 2011


That's very true...:)))

24 Jul, 2011


Oh, yes.....!!

24 Jul, 2011


Ok will do it with all this talk about garlic and stuff I'm for some food! lol bbl x

24 Jul, 2011


bon appetit! :)))

24 Jul, 2011


Pretty colour.

24 Jul, 2011


Lol had bacon and eggs! ;)

24 Jul, 2011


Glad you got something to eat :))) Bacon & eggs mmm

25 Jul, 2011


Will be cheese on toast today and beans on toast for the rest of the week prolly lol..not much else here and a bit skint after buying all the stuff for the sculpture! Silly me but I wanted to do it NOW! lol
Nice morning here :)

25 Jul, 2011


Suffering for your art, Pixi! lol!! :))
Not nice, here...:((((

25 Jul, 2011


Yeah! lol Always do haha.

25 Jul, 2011


know what you mean (used to be a potter!)...famine or feast! lol!!

25 Jul, 2011


hehe More famine than feast here for a while anyway..antyone wanna buy a painting? lol!

25 Jul, 2011 was more that way for us too..........!

25 Jul, 2011


Oh well just had some cheese on toast it was ok I guess..would rather have had mince and tatties lol ;)

25 Jul, 2011


Hi Karen Hi Pixi...Just got back on...came on early early while you two prolly still snoring :===))))

I don't know what the weather is like with you Karen but it's been raining here all morning...Glad in a way, it's helped all the new planting to get bedded in...Pixi has it stopped raining your side...!!

25 Jul, 2011


Not stopped raining, since last night...
BTW, have sent you the rose'll probably find this one there :)))

25 Jul, 2011


Yes thanks...hope would be good to get the name..., thanks... i'll have a look at your one...

25 Jul, 2011


What sort of size is this one, Sue?

25 Jul, 2011


I think open it'll be a couple of inches, it's a real orangy, do you think...!!

I've posted that Rose (Lemon)

25 Jul, 2011


I would definitely describe it as orangy :))
Off to have a look at that lemon one, now!

25 Jul, 2011


No rain! No sun jsut warm..been taking brats class then did wee bit to sculpture..taking longer than I thought :)

25 Jul, 2011


I dont think I snore btw! lol

25 Jul, 2011


LOL Pixi, that's why I put the long nose on my smiley, I was fibbing, girls don't snore lol....:)))

26 Jul, 2011


hahah well i liel I've actually woken my self up snoring! nto bad jsut little grunts I think ..will have to ask lol

26 Jul, 2011



The unknown rose has opened one or two flowers, and it has a light scent to it...pleased with that...:))

28 Jul, 2011


Put a pic on.. :)))

28 Jul, 2011


Why do you want to smell it lol...:))) I went on the french site you gave me, put all the details in for the Rose etc, pressed search and nothing happend...Am I missing something lol...I got the site on my desk top so I can get back to it easily...but couldn't get anywhere...:(((

28 Jul, 2011


The first time I found it, I chose it off the list which came up when I googled 'rosiers en couleur rose'. All their pink roses came up...perhaps you could try googling 'rosiers en couleur orange/jaune'...then click I tried the search and nothing happened for me either!

...unless it was a different I don't think so...their catalogue's enormous, much bigger than Meilland... :/ lol!

28 Jul, 2011



28 Jul, 2011


ok will try it that way...thanks love...:))

28 Jul, 2011


Hope it works :s

28 Jul, 2011

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