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Yucca hare


By Resi

Yucca hare

when i opened the shutters this morning, eyeballing me, this young hare under the yucca
i think he's waiting for the catnep to grow to sit on instead of next to it!

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Well spotted, Resi - I couldn't see him at first, but then realised his ears are highlighted by the sun!

8 Jul, 2011


One of the best parts of gardening. Lovely fellow! Or maybe he was hoping for a cool spot...or there might have been a bird of prey nearby! I saw a hawk carry off one of the squirrels we have been feeding...I was sick about it!

12 Jul, 2011


he stayed around for a cple of days then to vanish.
up until last year we never saw a rabbit around this area only hares, they had mixametosis! here too, but they have now made a comeback
they particularly seemto like nesting in our garden in spite of the fact that Jesse, our dog, keeps chasing them and digging out their dens
caught between the rabbits, the boars, the deer and a population of hundreds of burrowing mice everywhere i sometimes feel i am fighting a loosing battle
but then gardening in a city would bring its own problems as well i suppose

16 Jul, 2011


Yes . . . well, here in suburbia our "problems" are just squirrels, muntjac deer, hungry pheasants, the occasional fox, a few tiny mice, and pesky magpies who like eating Petunias!

17 Jul, 2011


It all sounds perfectly lovely, but, Boars? argghh...
are we talking the big old, in-your-face, don't mess with me type wild pigs???? I thought I had it tough with the neighbour's domestic pigs. You don't have anyone to blame if they're wild!!
The wee beasties...they can be a problem. hate using traps..but poison is worse. There is an electronic mouse deterrent on the market. It reputedly emits a frequency which is supposed to deter mice...hmmm wonder if there's a frequency for pigs?lol...

17 Jul, 2011


done the electronic wee beastie deterrent, we have one on duty in our garage when they show signs of wanting to prospect in late summer, doesnt seem to deterr thm at all though.
last year the little blighters had eaten right into a wall into the cement between the brick blocks and excavated the most ridiculously large hole, we needed half a bag of cement to fill that one up
our most efficient deterrent is Jesse dog!
funny this winter we friendly mouse trapped precicely one mouse and last year more than 50 in the house!
i take them in on my way to town and free them in somebodies field, i just hate to kill anything, especially as they are often voles too
one killing machine in the family is enough ;-(
no pig deterrent as far as i know, but the most incredible large man traps are on sale in the hardware shops here, woulndt know what they are all meant to kill but they look positively medeaval.

18 Jul, 2011


Ummmm.... would you please elucidate..."man traps" are these for the pigs?
Know what you mean about hating to kill anything. We now have raccoons who love to get into the garbage. They are so smart and talented that they can pick locks! If they get into your attic it can cause all kinds of trouble. But the trouble I have is the fact that I really enjoy watching them and have had them for a pet when I was a child. Delightful creatures...most of the time! So I'm not about to call an exterminator. What kind of person says: "When I grow up I want to be an exterminator"...??? :-/

18 Jul, 2011


sorry Lori, i meant to take my camera into town yesterday but forgot, to see if i could spot one of the local 'mantraps' for you, if it is still the season for buying them, as everything gets sold strictly during its season, a day late, or earlier if they have already sold out... and you have to wait till next year to buy whatever it is, and that goes for garden furniture and tools, swimming pool products, foods etc etc
i would love to see a raccoon, to me they are cartoon animals
we have the attic problems with fouines or stone martens, so far we havent had one of our own yet but i have seen them around and the french will kill them on sight.

20 Jul, 2011


If they are anything like the martens over's small wonder the locals "kill them on sight"...they can get into anything or anyplace...mostly henhouses and rabbit hutches and they kill for the love of killing, as they rarely eat what they kill. mean and vicious is how I'd describe them..they look like a cross between a weasel and a bear. (albeit a very small bear). the martens over here will take on a dog, talk about killing machines~ makes Jesse look like the angel she is??? Don't blame the Franks at all! and as a caution to you since they are in your attic..if I'm not mistaken they, like a civet, have a rank smell. might be worth checking it out...I'm sure there's a local expert, right?

21 Jul, 2011

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