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Princess Victoria louise Oriental Poppy

 Princess Victoria louise   Oriental Poppy

She is back again better than evere, I counted 14 buds to date and the blooms are opening fast now, just hope the rain doesn't spoil them.

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I love this colour! :))

5 Jun, 2011


Thank you Michaella it is a lovely pinky peach with a rich maroon center;0)

5 Jun, 2011


It's beautiful , we still haven't had any rain , it's getting desperate down here ......

5 Jun, 2011


That's a gorgeous Poppy, Pp. .....

Amy, fingers crossed for some rain for you. It finally rained here today for the first time in about three months. Hooray!!

5 Jun, 2011


Thanks Shirley, Amy, my fingers are crossed for all on Goy who need rain, we have had more than we need!!

5 Jun, 2011


We went to the allotment this morning ... rain has only soaked through about two inches! : o (((

6 Jun, 2011


Hope you get some more soon Shirley!

6 Jun, 2011


Dry for tomorrow and wet on Wednesday ... so says the weather person!

6 Jun, 2011


Well I hope its heavy rain for you, it must be so difficult keeping everything healthy and growing. Sunshine today here but showers tomorrow, I was hoping to get my baskets planted up before the rain comes, so if it arrives I will send it to you;0)

6 Jun, 2011


Send it First Class please, Pp! I'm having to water the four half-baskets on the front wall daily, South facing front garden, plus two on the back wall as I don't want them to wilt. Cooler today though.

6 Jun, 2011


Well we have had intermitten showers today some quite heavy, I have been dodging in and out trying to plant my hanging baskets, it just wont go away!! Hope your plants dont suffer too much and hope this rain reaches you soon;0)

7 Jun, 2011


It's now 6pm ... no rain today but a blustery wind off the sea. Managed to have a couple of hours in the garden ... by myself ... and got things trimmed & planted & dead headed & potted etc. etc. Very enjoyable too! I'll be watering again after we've eaten. Sorry to hear you have had some heavy showers ... sunshine perhaps for you tomorrow? : o ))

7 Jun, 2011


Pleased you enjoyed your spell in the garden Shirley , you do sound as though you have been very busy, but sorry the rains not arrived yet, showers forecast for us tomorrow but we are out for lunch so the weather will not bother us;0))

7 Jun, 2011


Ooh, the letter 'y' is missing from your name and your avatar is a question mark . . .

7 Jun, 2011


Shirley a few months ago I couldnt log on and tried joining again I must have mis spelt my name missing out the y and a new account was made which I can't delete, Im having problems tonight as you can see the wrong account keeps turning up and have just spent 30mins trying to get my bonafide one back , driving me mad!!!

7 Jun, 2011


Ooh, that sounds complicated, Pp! I find this site really slow tonight, I've been uploading photos, had to crop many and was going to post a blog but it's 10.10 now and I'm too tired to concentrate that much!

7 Jun, 2011


Thanks HB It is a nice colour, love the center which is a very deep maroon colour;0)
Lol it is complicated Shirley but dont you worry just rest your pretty head ;0)))

7 Jun, 2011


Lol, Pp! : o )))

7 Jun, 2011


what a beautiful set of photos Pp, your garden is gorgeous

8 Jun, 2011


Thanks Val thats very kind of you to say so;0)

8 Jun, 2011

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