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Trotty Wagtail 2 ....for Gee

Trotty Wagtail 2 ....for Gee

Did you tell him to visit me Gee? Ta everso

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Brill photo...

19 Dec, 2010


Wow, he's travelled some distance! Make sure you fill him up with mealworms for the return journey, Tetrarch :) He's one of my favourites (goodness, I sound like Bruce Forsythe!!).

19 Dec, 2010


Lovely pic of a lovely little bird. : o ))

19 Dec, 2010


Hello Trotty Wagtail...
nice to see you ...
... to see you ...
... nice ;o)

19 Dec, 2010


Lovely photo........

19 Dec, 2010


I'll make you my favourite, but don't tell the others !

19 Dec, 2010


Lovely I do like this little bird.♥

19 Dec, 2010


Yes, they are cute aren't they? There are lots on the beach here and they come into the garden too...but not at the moment.

19 Dec, 2010


Another bird I've not seen before. Glad he paid you a visit, M.

19 Dec, 2010


Now what makes me think most of you have been watching Strictly! We voted for Pam S cos I would like to have done that at 50 let alone 61!
Thanks for all the comments, first time in the garden as a regular visitor, been here every day now for 4 days and yes Gee, he has been knocking back the meal worms at a rate of knots!!
Glad to have you back Jacquie..hope you get to see one as they are quite amusing. Keep an eye in car parks and shopping malls where its a bit gritty.
Hope you coping okay with the snow Val. I see you are getting a packet down there Spritz..just started here and its quite heavy.
Scattered some oats/bread/raisin/mealworm mix half hour ago and its totally covered.OH had a bad fall outside post office on Sat, lucky didnt break anything as he landed on his hip and shoulder. Now we both using walking sticks!!

20 Dec, 2010


That little bird is certainly doing some mileage as he was in my garden this morning creating because I was late getting up :)

20 Dec, 2010


Sorry to hear OH has had a is treacherous out there. I haven't ventured out since we had our last snowfall a couple of days ago as everything is frozen and very me chicken....I wouldn't feel safe even with my stick! Hope there isn't too much discomfort for OH.

According to the latest weather reports it seems your area is now getting the snow and lots of disruption. Take care, won't you. x

20 Dec, 2010


can you send him to me please? i dont have any of those

10 Jan, 2011


I just wish mealy worms were'nt so expensive, I so love these birds. Maybe I should mosaic one.....difficult, enamel paint maybe?

10 Jan, 2011


Try Wilkinsons Lulu, they were selling two boxes for £4!

10 Jan, 2011


This is the first one I had Sticki T, if he brings a mate in spring..will send you the offspring!! lol

10 Jan, 2011


that would be great! many thanks ~ will you put a little label on them so i know where they have come from?
like the label Paddington used to wear?
Please look after this B -ird?

10 Jan, 2011



10 Jan, 2011


Will try that, Bird food is just so expensive all round but I do love to watch them, so keep feeding!

11 Jan, 2011


Lulu, our bird food tally is as follows
2kg sunflower hearts
2kg niger seed...per week

Bucket (50) fatballs
1 box mealworms
1 kg peanuts..every two weeks

1 20kg bag wild bird seed..every 6 weeks

As pensioners, we draw out pocket money every OH only buys a paper and lottery ticket every week with his..the rest goes on bird food! I just buy the mealworms.
We have our own colony of sparrows who live in a 10ft high, 30ft long hedge, and only a few dozen yards from a copse, so blue/great/longtailed tits abound. This year we have been inundated with goldfinches, chaffinches and a few greenfinches/bullfinches..and this little fella above, a coal tit, and a woodpecker, rare visitors for us. Not to mention blackbirds and starlings! The housekeeping prize go to the woodies and collared doves who clean up.

11 Jan, 2011


how lovely to watch all those ~ i think thats very good use of your pocket money.

11 Jan, 2011


Keeps him occupied Sticki, thats the main thing..its his hobby - that, and digging and weeding...which, wait for it..he really enjoys! Thank goodness lol! Im passed digging and hate weeding.
I must admit, spending time on the puter gives me a chance of watching them too..the top of a tree is just outside the office, and the sparrows hog that one. They are fascinating to watch, very community minded. They do occasionally squabble, but they take it in turns on the feeders and they have watcher birds to keep an eye for sparrowhawks and cats. I even see THEM taking turns. Whereas the starlings fight quite hard amongst themselves and push everyone off the feeders and I would guess flock more for self preservation than because they care.
Sparrows are definitely NOT boring.

11 Jan, 2011


no and they are not as common as they used to be either ~ i think of them as chatty little things ~ we dont get them ~ dont know why ~ maybe cos you've got them all??
i think you could write a story about them
you have got your OH very well trained ~ do you loan him out?
i know what you mean about being on the computer and watching ~ at the moment i am watching ~
2 greater spotted building birds ~ they are very busy!!!
and need feeding as much as yours do!!

11 Jan, 2011


I think we do have them all Sticki, one day I roughly counted tree and OH the ground..about 50, truly!
Ive only every had the one woodpecker, havent seen him since..wonderful to have two.
And yes, I have written a story about them..called the Birds of Hawthorn Vale. Nothing like being hopeful..Ive started a follow-on story too!

11 Jan, 2011


oh please can i read the story? can you put it on a blog ~ or is it a whole book?

11 Jan, 2011


It be a small book..maybe in chapters, but it might bore people..

11 Jan, 2011


i doubt it ~ anyone no one is forced to read any blog!! not sure if there is a limit to how long a blog can be tho.

11 Jan, 2011


Good Lord TT, thats alot of bird food, though come to think of it, it's not far off why I get through!! I use more peanuts as the woodpecker loves them. Also got loads of Goldfinches too, so pretty. My favourites are the wrens, so much noise for such a wee bird!
We sometimes get a Pheasant passing by but hubby thinks it's good sport to let the Pointers out, they run like hell right through my flowerbed, needless to say I get furious with him!!

11 Jan, 2011


Im not surprised you get mad Lulu, Im just surprised he's still walking ..he is, isnt he??

11 Jan, 2011


i like it. hehe.

12 Jan, 2011


Yeah! away, fast!! walking that is!

12 Jan, 2011


All they want to eat are the seed mix this week. They don't want to eat the fatsnax and the new seed/fat slabs I have put out. Great shot as well.

14 Jan, 2011


Yes, we had a week like that Tog. Think they had enough during the snow!

15 Jan, 2011

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