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Schizolobium parahybum - Brazilian Fern Tree

Schizolobium parahybum - Brazilian Fern Tree  (Schizolobium parahybum - Brazilian Fern Tree)

Brazilian Fern tree growing in Santa Ana, CA. not too far from Disneyland. Posted for my friend Mushybanna. Photo taken August 2008.

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What a splendid looking tree ..o))

9 Jul, 2010



Thanks! Unfortunately, it's not the clearest pic.

9 Jul, 2010


I just like the shape a bit like a giant umbrella

10 Jul, 2010



It takes on a little different shape when it becomes very old and large. I've seen
120 feet/ 37 meters tall trees in Hawaii.

10 Jul, 2010


Here's one in Brazil. Its huge size is like a scaled up Jacaranda. Its also tall and wide unlike Poinciana's tendency to be wider than they are tall.
There's a few of them around this area.,-51.1903595,3a,68.7y,205.18h,108.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCUOUYizBrUhH0ByZdORrIg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

16 Dec, 2017


I used to have a one in Mission San Jose, Fremont. They grow pretty well up there.

Unfortunately, this tree posted was cut down. I used to be able to see it off the 5 Freeway south of Disneyland. It was probably cut down because it was so close to the telephone wire and telephone pole.

I did see the the website. Those are some very nice Brazilian fern trees. I've seem them actually much larger with major buttresses for trunks in Hilo, HI.

16 Dec, 2017


I had one started from seed. But,I kept it way too long in the pot (2years) and I could see it did not like the peaty potting soil and started to go downhill. I planted just died off.

16 Dec, 2017


I surprisingly have seen some large ones in San Francisco. I believe they were in the Mission District. It's a pretty tough tree. It just need to be kept on the dry side in winter.

17 Dec, 2017


wow- you ever found them on google in sf? The problem I read is that in a wet and cold soils winter,they can get a fast case of root rot. Same old story.
I don't even have a place for one..and it turned out to hate potted life.

17 Dec, 2017


I have a small one I started back in late summer or beginning of fall. It looks really good so far in its pot. I'm guessing it won't be good for long, though.

It was a pretty large Brazilian Fern tree I saw in the Mission District back in late 1990's.

17 Dec, 2017

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