back garden
By Doddy555

18 Jun, 2010
was going to plant inbtween wooden edging an patio? any idea on what i should put there? dont want them to high, but high enough to see from table an chairs, an my kitchen window
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thanks so much, think i may make it a little wider then,
19 Jun, 2010
f it were me I would make it a foot wider and plant English lavender or even a mixture of whites pink and mauve lavender because they need no watering after the first year, or Sweet williams but if you make the bed wider you have lots of plant choice Skimmias could look good to?
19 Jun, 2010
thanks drc726 i will make it a foot wider, the plants you have put here i new to me,just started really getting into gardening, as you can see from my pics not planted many plants, couple of rose one last year at back, on at frount this year, thanks so much for you help,daftmthing to ask but how many plants at a guess do you think i need? sorry sound mad i know, just learning all the time,,,
19 Jun, 2010
Things like lavender and Sweetwilliam about 12-18 inches apart for them to knit together
19 Jun, 2010
thanks drc 726
23 Jun, 2010
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Sweet williams, Lavender, but would need more width? Or you could sow flower seed which might find a purchase in this very narrow gap such as Aubrieta, Love-in-a-mist.
19 Jun, 2010