Long -tailed Tits
By Deida51

27 Jan, 2010
Clearance to land.......Landing Gear engaged ..lol
Comments on this photo
Brill shot Deida :o)))
27 Jan, 2010
Amazing pic.... well done Deida !
Flown straight to favourites... :o)
27 Jan, 2010
lovely photo
27 Jan, 2010
great action shot deida ;o))
27 Jan, 2010
That's an incredible photo, Deida, just look at those little legs! A definite favourite :)
27 Jan, 2010
thank you all...they getting as cheeky as Sparrows..cleaning my windows
heard zee zee zee,looked round and there they where 20 maybe
30, they just ignored me.don't see them very often but they are certainly not afraid of us gardeners.lol
27 Jan, 2010
Super shot.
27 Jan, 2010
Brilliant action shot Deida ! We often hear them before we see them too ! Lol Photo onto our favourites.
27 Jan, 2010
Brilliant Deida......
27 Jan, 2010
Thanks BB and Milky
27 Jan, 2010
Not to forget.they landing on Deidas favourite home made fat ring..lol
27 Jan, 2010
Was going to ask about the feeder Deida...they certainly approve of it anyhow !
27 Jan, 2010
BB read comment on pic Great Tit,but poor Robin trying his upmost to get to the ring ..more pics to come...
27 Jan, 2010
Ah...recycling at its best.What a good idea ! Hope robin manages to get a look in !!
27 Jan, 2010
He/She did.............but I'l keep you in suspene
27 Jan, 2010
Thanks Deida !!
27 Jan, 2010
FANTASTIC! Deida!! Just look at the way you've got them...Lol! I like the one underneath......gone on faves...:o)
27 Jan, 2010
Thanks..my pics are your pics
27 Jan, 2010
:o) X
27 Jan, 2010
Was it Heathrow or Gatwick, lol fab photo.
28 Jan, 2010
Manchester, Sixpence
28 Jan, 2010
lol good fight path there : O )
28 Jan, 2010
Another fantastic photo Deida, you could turn professional:-)
28 Jan, 2010
Fabulous action shot Dieda, well done
28 Jan, 2010
I love thses little birds, they are so active. Good photo Deida. DOn't forget it's the RSBP Birdwatch this weekend when you can record in an hour how many birds and what different sorts visit your garden. I think you can go online to do it.
29 Jan, 2010
Thank you all
Linda, did't know it's the RSBP Birdwatch..got a lot of counting to do.just looking through the window can see at least 40-60..Breakfast time impossible to count...lol
29 Jan, 2010
Wonderful Photo Deida. Gone on my favourites.
29 Jan, 2010
Thanks Toto
30 Jan, 2010
Brilliant picture, Deida!
1 Feb, 2010
Love this Picture. You have captured the moment!
More like this Deida, please!!
Freesiaperson x
2 Feb, 2010
i love your photos Deida,just fab!!!!
3 Feb, 2010
Thank you Jeanleach
16 Jan, 2012
I'd forgotten how good this pic was, so thanks from me too Jeanleach:-)
17 Jan, 2012
Many thanks Bornagain
18 Jan, 2012
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Fantastic Photo Deida:)
27 Jan, 2010