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his throat is a metallic green...with these white spots along his lower jaw...great little chappie...and he likes my pond!


By Lori

his throat is a metallic green...with these white spots along his lower jaw...great little chappie...and he likes my pond!

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great pond.Lori,i love your lillies.

31 Aug, 2009


I like your pond too Lori!

31 Aug, 2009


He looks to be asleep. Hope you didn't wake him.

31 Aug, 2009


I pulled out some of the terrorist Ligularia... and plopped it in the pond. The frog moved right in! and the lig is growing there! lol...who knew?!

1 Sep, 2009


How wonderful, and a pond frog so quickly at home. Really beautiful. I didn't expect the lig to grow under water.

21 Oct, 2009


Nor did I, Gt... afraid it didn't last long... we've had our killing frost already. we had almost 8 days of below zero temps! It's a little warmer today but the garden is toast! do you have snow yet?

22 Oct, 2009


We had frost in august, snow second week of september and then up to almost 70F until just last week. We're barely staying below freezing! Its been very strange. Now I'm just hoping for snow to insulate everything before any draft comes through. I've seen Halloween at -20F. We're bare as a bone still.

22 Oct, 2009


I guess it's the high latitudes who see the first frightening inklings of climate change... about eleven years ago, when we left Moosonee changes were being noted at the 50 degree levels... can only imagine what it's like north of sixty degrees.

22 Oct, 2009


This is the weirdest year yet. I'm a bit scared. WIthout deep cold the permafrost will melt and we will be a desert! That ice is what holds our whole ecosystem together. I just hope we get a good snow soon, before the depp freeze comes and kills things.

22 Oct, 2009


Hope you get the snow you need before too long Gt.... fingers crossed. The year of the first really strong El Nino we were in Moosonee...and it was above zero New Years Eve...all the snow cover we had received from Halloween on thro to mid Dec was gone!! then it turned extremely cold for the balance of Jan, Feb and into the third week of March...the frost (according to the municipal maintenance workers who were working to unfreeze water pipes all season) went into the ground 4 times deeper than usual...16 FEET~ unbelievable! then we had the warmest summer in living memory...the native elders had never seen a summer like it!

25 Oct, 2009

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