We missed you :(
By peter
Hi everyone,
We had an issue with our hosting yesterday afternoon which meant that you had to manage without GoY for quite a while. It was caused by a disk failure but has now been resolved. We’ve temporarily moved servers and are settling in to our new home.
We just wanted to say that we’re really sorry for the outage and we’re making sure that a similar incident in the future won’t take as long to sort out.
I hope you’re all well, and again we’re really sorry for the problems.
20 May, 2008
More blog posts by peter
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I never see advertising on this site. Nor do I see a support link. How do you stay afloat?
21 May, 2008
Morn Peter i tried so hard to get my Fix of GOY last nite & was so SAD i couldnt get on site :( But im full of BIG BIG SMILES NOW :D Thanx 4 Fixing it XXX
21 May, 2008
Thanks for fixing the "fault" or whatever it was. It's nice to be back in touch again.
21 May, 2008
hi peter, am sooooooo glad GOY is back up and running. i was like jacque lol i kept trying, hoping it would come back.
good start to my morning to see that it is.
21 May, 2008
Hooray! SOOOO glad you're back! I kept trying too - and was really fed up last night! Thank you for all the hard work to get the site up and running again.
21 May, 2008
Hello All I was trying all last night as well I'm glad things are fixed at GOY it's funny really you don't miss something until it's gone LOL.
21 May, 2008
And I was blaming Vista again! Thanks for letting us know, Peter. I know how frustrating it is as I run a couple of websites and we had no end of trouble with our host last November that went on for several weeks. Changed my host in the end.
21 May, 2008
Glad to see GOY - The Best - is back. I must admit that i also tried on numerous occasions last night to get onto GOY. It's not the same without GOY.
21 May, 2008
Thanks for all the support guys. We had a nightmare afternoon/evening but finally got to test our Backup procedure :) Rest assured we are already looking at ways to improve.
21 May, 2008
Hi again everyone :o) We're very glad to be back and really sorry for yesterday's troubles.
TammieLee - It's funny you should ask that now; we've been quietly trialling something on the site which is just about ready.... More on that later though :o)
21 May, 2008
Good to see you up and running again!
21 May, 2008
Hello??? I really missed my trundle through goY...but it was back by mid evening. Had to stay up a little later to look around. So will we soon be seeing ads for garden accoutrements?
21 May, 2008
Lori - No accoutrements :) In fact you won't see anything just yet in Canada.
21 May, 2008
Recent posts by peter
- Down time Sat 30th June
30 Jun, 2012
- Maintenance on GoY Site Tonight
5 Sep, 2011
- Down Time Tomorrow, Tue 29th March
28 Mar, 2011
- Down Time Today, Fri 25th March
25 Mar, 2011
- Grows on You Survey
3 Aug, 2010
- One Million!!
17 Jul, 2010
Very happy to see that we're back up and running Peter.
21 May, 2008