Now you can find and compare tools to buy online
By peter
Hi Everyone,
We’ve made a few small changes to our garden shops section and have added a lot of new products.
You can now search and browse garden tools, so whether you want to buy lawnmowers or just browse through the gardening tools, you can compare them all easily in one place. I hope you find it useful – we’ll be adding even more soon!
Happy gardening, and I hope the weather’s as good where you are as it is in Hampshire today :o)
7 Jun, 2008
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Great news Peter, and thanks for the updates.Yes I agree with Spritz- it would be helpful to make amendments to our reviews in the shops section as info might change as well.At present we cannot make any changes or updates once the review is posted.
Also, another technical point----is it possible to upload photos on a Blog without uploading them first of all to our individual homepages as we are duplicating the photos on the G.O Y site?
Many thanks..
Grenville and Alan.
7 Jun, 2008
Hi Spritz, it's on the to do list :o) Grenville - We're going to be making blogging easier soon and that sounds like a good idea for inclusion.
8 Jun, 2008
Wow! Love it, guys! I'm having fun with this! Grenville's idea is really good. I've often wanted to illlustrate blogs, without posting otherwise boring pics on the homepage, first. Could this work? As for weather - it actually rained here 2 days last week - the only 2 days in the whole of May! Am fed up watering for at least 2 hrs every evening (and lots of folks think that Scotland is always misty, damp, cold, and wet). Barbies are on the go here, I am in danger of turning into a walking cinnamon stick ( a so-called friiend's comment on my very dark tan and my slender frame (despite my love of food). Can I actually go real internet shopping NOW on GOY. I ask, as am not sure where we're at with this. Best Wishes!
9 Jun, 2008
Hi David, glad to hear the weather's good with you :o) That's a lot of watering though - it's a good job I only have a small patch to cope with!
The answer to your question is sort of :o) The shops section of GOY lets you find plants and tools for sale from lots of different websites but we don't sell them ourselves.
GOY should make finding what you want easier in two ways:
1) By searching many sites without you having to visit each one
2) By comparing the prices between sites in one place.
There's also the benefit of seeing what other members have said in their reviews before you buy. I hope that helps :o)
9 Jun, 2008
Wow, this site just gets better and better !
Many thanks for all the work you put into it, Peter and Ajay.
Just a suggestion, while you are working on the blogs, would it be possible to arrange some way of marking the ones we have read ....... sometimes it takes a while to distinguish between those I have read and those I haven't,if that makes sense (and often it seems just as I find where I have got up to my attention is needed away from the 'puter).
9 Jun, 2008
Glad you like it Xela, and thanks for your ideas :o)
Spritz, as requested, if you added a garden centre or website to the shops section, you can now update it! There is a link under the garden centre name titled "update details" - it will only be there if you added the garden centre.
Thanks for all the other comments and feedback, I wish we could do them all that quickly. Please feel free to contact us anytime (link at the bottom) - our list of improvements keeps growing :o).
Another note on David's question - if you click through from our shop section and then buy online, we get a small commission so you're supporting GOY.
The websites which pay us commission are starred and have a message at the bottom. The product links pay commission too. We want the shop section to be as useful as possible and to help support GOY - shop where you feel comfortable but if you need a new ride on lawnmower feel free to click through from us :o)
10 Jun, 2008
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Thanks guys for the improvements. This will be useful! Please could you add an 'edit entry' to the shop review section, firstly in case of 'typos' and also as I have the website address and phone no. of one I posted, but can't add this info. Thanks.
7 Jun, 2008