Tree Peony - Charming Garden
By petaltracey
I bought this Tree Peony from a favourite Nursery, last year. It was quite small when I purchased it, so I potted it on to ensure a good root system – I wanted a more established plant, before planting. Thought I’d lost it during the bad winter, but when I found it was starting to shoot leaves, I decided to bring it into the unheated conservatory… The following pictures are my reward. Hope you enjoy them!

I was really surprised – the flowers were actually scented!
It only had one flower, and I was so pleased that I decided to bring it into the conservatory, where I was able to appreciate the flower closeup. I’m sure if I’d left it outside I would have lost the bud and possibly even the plant…
Lets hope I have a few more flowers next year!
18 May, 2013
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Thanks Neena - I'm so glad I brought it in too! It was interesting watching it open and close in the warmth of the room, and if I had planted it outside I wouldn't have known about the delicate scent that it has! :o)))
18 May, 2013
Gorgeous delicate flower Tracey.....scented too what a bonus :o)
18 May, 2013
It was really amazing! :o)
18 May, 2013
Your close up shots of the flower are lovely :o)
18 May, 2013
Really gorgeous Tracey, nice when it goes like this
19 May, 2013
Build another conservatory over the Tree Peony when you have to plant it outside ! It surely appreciates plenty of
19 May, 2013
I was given two tree Peonies by some lovely friends a few years ago. Mine were just sticks in the ground and theirs were lush and beautiful. I decided they probably didn't like my soil. I lifted them and put them in pot with rich soil. They look great this year......I hope to have a flower next year. You did a great job. ;o)
19 May, 2013
Fantastic. What a beautiful flower. I wish I had room for one, but they do get rather large I believe. My garden is full.
19 May, 2013
In the strong winds I have need to wrap mine up for protection .
Maybe these mini -plastic greenhouses could go over small tree ponies and camelias for protection.
Tracy its so beauitful
19 May, 2013
Hi Tracey ..
such a beautiful flower ! :o)
19 May, 2013
spectacular! Well done on giving it such care that it's performed as well as this!
19 May, 2013
Paonies are very hardy, so should stand any amount of bad weather, although the flowers can be damaged
19 May, 2013
Perfect flowers....I really like this one! and you obviously did the right things with it!!
20 May, 2013
Thanks everyone. Many years ago a dear friend gave me a beautiful one as a housewarming gift. I think I may have planted it too soon - it was young (like me!) and didn't have a good root sytem and sadly I lost it :o( This is why I've been so careful with this one, and it seems to have paid off! Might just keep it in a larger pot for a little longer...!:D
20 May, 2013
It's really beautiful, and a lovely colour :o)
20 May, 2013
How beautiful is that, a good job you did bring it in, you would not have wanted to miss such a pretty flower.
22 May, 2013
Thanks Hywel and Dottydaisy2 :o)))
23 May, 2013
very beautifu flower so lovely :)
from jane.
28 Jun, 2013
hi there i agree with janeplant :-);-)
6 Jan, 2014
Thanks Jane :o) You've just reminded me about this beautiful plant, I think I'd better have a look outside to see how it is...
6 Jan, 2014
hope it was ok :-) i might just treat my garden to one of these.
6 Jan, 2014
I happy to say that it's in a sheltered spot and is budding already! ;o)
8 Jan, 2014
They certainly stole the show at Stone Green at the weekend. You have obviously mastered the art of looking after them Petal.
1 Apr, 2014
Hi There Poppy! Glad you've found my Charming Garden. They are well worth buying :o))))
1 Apr, 2014
I agree, as you know I don't need any encouragement!!
4 Apr, 2014
Have been in the garden to check out my Charming Garden Tree Peony... She has loads of buds this year! :o)))
9 Apr, 2014
I have kept my Tree Peony in small greenhouse over winter too and now moved into garden, sheltered spot, but unfortunately for 2nd. year running no flowers, I've top dressed pot as well and tried fruit to ripen what else?
2 May, 2014
Hi Olmag and welcome to GoY too. I'm not sure what the reason could be for your Tree Peony not to flower.
When I first bought mine I potted it on into a larger pot using a good quality potting compost - I like to give young plants the best start in life...! Last year, when I noticed that it had started to grow, I brought it into the conservatory to keep it in good light with plenty of warmth...:o) After flowering I left it in the same pot and placed it into a very sheltered spot which is also a bit of a sun trap.
Then when I checked it over this Spring, I found that it had produced it's lovely foliage and four flower buds! I would say that it does now seem to be bit potbound... So I'll need to pot it on again when it's finished flowering. Looking at some of the comments that other members have written to me, it looks like these plants like rich soil and it takes time for them to establish.
Hope this helps a little...? You could place this as a question on the Your Questions section. Other members are likely to be more knowledgeable on Tree Peonies than me! ;o)
4 May, 2014
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A beautiful flower Tracey, a reward indeed, what a good job you took care of it indoors :o)
18 May, 2013