Sunshine on a rainy day.........
By oddbillie
I cannot believe that there can be so much rain up there. If I’m going to be banished from work because of Ali’s swine flu, at least give me some dry moments so I can get out there.
Ali is actually on the mend although the Tamiflu does have some side effects which she has had. The good news for her is that on the back of her recovery, I have actually cancelled the abertoire and got my deposit back…..
It did actually stop raining late afternoon/early evening yesterday and I managed to get out there and do a few bits. First thing was to move the Aser off the decking and out of the wind – on the advice of Moongrower, thankyou very much – and it will now hopefully be happier in it’s new site.
Then I had to start working on the ground under and around the conifer trees. It’s full of roots and stones and I don’t think it’s ever been worked over but I was determined to create a space for my ailing buddleia. I wanted it near Hotel Papillon where it would be in part sun, part shade and give it the chance to hopefully flourish – thanks to Janey for that one! So, after half hour of sweat and roots, I had my hole and so the Buddleia was planted in its new home….
So all that was left to do was water a few other plants and take some pics to post….
Quite like this shot looking up through my mini sweetcorn plant – all 6ft of it!!
I love the slightly more quirky pics taken from unusual angles and now GoY has got me hooked, I will be, no doubt, be taking more photo’s.
Another pretty face stares out from benath the conifers…..
Back soon!
28 Jul, 2009
Previous post: Now we need something nice to look at.....
Next post: Welcome to Wales, a land steeped in history.....AND RAIN!!!!!!
The Acer looks happy in it's new home, and the pot it's in really suits the colour. Your garden is coming along very nicely - look forward to seeing more of it. :-))
28 Jul, 2009
Thanks both. It's something I never thought I would have an interest in but here I am....and loving every minute of it.
Bought 2 of the pots from Homebase and they're awesome. The other one is home to my Fatsia Japonica and that looks great in the pot as well!
28 Jul, 2009
The way you are going you wont want to go back to work,lol,it does look nice tho......
28 Jul, 2009
Cancelled the abbatoir indeed!
Now Ali's on the mend, she's got a lovely garden to aid her convalescence! You've done a superb job!
Dig the tree!
2 Aug, 2009
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It's looking good OB :)
I've been dodging the rain all day ..wish summer would come back...
Glad to hear Ali's on the mend....has she seen what you've been up to in the garden? I bet she'll be really pleased with it! Lots of brownie points for you...well done :))
28 Jul, 2009