So, this is gardening eh? # 2
By oddbillie
So, where was I? Oh yes….the veg patch!
Firstly, a HUGE thanks to all those who left great comments on the first part of our journey. Now to continue with some more pics to bring you closer to the current day.
I should just mention that Ali said to say thanks for your good wishes – she’s always said that gardening folk are kind-spirited people.
Anyway, back to more pressing matters. What happened next….as Beadle used to say? Well, after several trips to the garden centres for bags of compost, we managed to fill the 3 sections of the patch and decided we wanted a sort of country feel to this section of the garden. By this time, I was completely on board and was just as excited as Alison!
At this point, the GH was just a shell with some slabs, staging…oh, and a pair of Ali’s wellies!!
Behind the GH, well, we were unsure at this point and so it looked as good as this:
Ali was soon in the GH and planting seeds for Toms, cucumbers, courgettes, chillies, peppers, and also planting seeds in the beds for carrots, beets, spring onions, mange tout, chard, swede, lettuce and potatoes. She bought me a Grow Your Own Pepper Kit and Mini Sweetcorn plant which looked like it was a goner when I planted that into one of the beds – update on that on a seperate blog!!
Obviously my watering the patch every night – during the brief summer we had – had a fantastic effect on it! and with Ali’s love & attention to the contents of the GH, we were soon seeing some great results. Prior to the initial growth of many of our veggies, we had 2 ton of jumbo gravel delivered in a cotswold-tyoe stone to put around the beds and GH. I also put up some trellis near the GH to give this first section a seperate feel – ‘The Working Section’ as Ali calls it! A couple of pics at that point:
Of course, things were moving at a good pace in the GH as well and every day was like christmas as you arrived home from work to see the daily changes and growth. I probably sound quite sad when I say this although I’m guessing most will agree, but we always take for granted where veggies and fruit originate from and just pick them up off the shelf in the supermarket, without a second thought. When you grow your own, you start to appreciate the amazing ways of nature and Ali was bombarded every day with my cries of: ’It’s mad isn’t it? Who would have thought that a tiny seed could grow like that!‘, ’It’s bonkers. It doesn’t make sense!‘…you get the picture? I didn’t get out much as a child!
My fascination had taken hold and I would walk through the back gate each night and first visit was always the GH and patch. I’m glad to say that this is still the case only now I check MY flowers on the decking – again, another blog to follow on this development!
I’m including a pic of the side of the decking across the patch to give you some idea of what it’s like. Ali picked up the little terracotta pots on the balistrade for £1.59 each and had 2 medium and 2 larger sized ones to match. You can also see my Fatsia Japonica in the background – love that one and the first name I learnt with my plants! lol! I was telling everyone who cared to listen about my Fatsia and the boys in work showed great interest…NOT! They just need to turn 40 like me and then they will understand, I know they will!
You can also see the trellis I put up for Ali to grow sweet peas. She’s tried a couple of times before with no luck so I did a bit of research – YES, me, the non-gardener – and I will post some photo’s soon of the results so far. All I can say is that she’s chuffed with them to date.
So, that is the patch and GH up to about 6 weeks ago but with the rain, and the fact that I didn’t expect to be using my pics on a blog, I’ve not got many more of this area. What I can say is that we have cropped from almost all the veggies with the Maris Pipers being the most amazing pots I have ever tasted and the runner beans I picked today were melt in your mouth delicious – cooked with crispy bacon and MP pots halved and lightly fried in olive oil and rosemary…Mmmmm. There’s something to be said for this fresh from the patch to the table lark!
Anyway, I will hopefully get some more photo’s soon – when the rain stops..mind you, this is Wales so I don’t hold out much hope – and I will leave you, for now, with a taster of what I’ve started to achieve on the decking with my plants. Ali has said it’s fatal now to go to a garden centre with me as I always pick up pots and plants but isn’t that what it’s all about folks!!
I’m off to check out YOU guys ’n gals now. ENJOY!
have you been spying on me YDD?!! The compost bin was coming on the next blog but now the secret is out you might as well know….:
The compost bin is just to the left behind the trellis and the small picket fence to the right was only to see how it would look as we didn’t use it for another project. We stumbled upon a frog last week so now the idea is to drop a pond into this area of boggy soil to encourage more wildlife. We already have the birdfeeders, squirrel feeder and spider shelter so we are trying!
Also, as you can see, not quite so neat in this area but we have tried to break it up in to sections with this one being the next one to be worked on when I am off for 2 weeks – 3 if I don’t return to work this week!
26 Jul, 2009
Previous post: So, this is gardening eh?
Next post: Now we need something nice to look at.....
Another good blog !
It's lovely to see how your garden's come in a few months, for you to reap the rewards of your hard and enthusiastic work :))
Gardening IS addictive isn't it, whatever your interest is !!!
26 Jul, 2009
Veggie patch looking great Ob , very neat tidy , nothing like the taste of home grown new potatoes ,I like em boiled with spring onions on top . . . .. beautiful!
26 Jul, 2009
How Neat is your garden, just the way I like it OB, You and Ali have done a fantastic job, Amazing even, Love your decking as well as your flowers and eating your own fruit and veg.. There's nothing in the world like it Mmmmm..Enjoying your Blogs also :))
26 Jul, 2009
PS, probably wont be long untill we see Compost bins at the other side of your Greenhouse i expect ;)
26 Jul, 2009
Oh well done the veggie patch looks great - nothing like eating your own veggies!!
26 Jul, 2009
Another great blog, fascinating to see your garden grow. You have certainly achieved a lot in a short time, well done the pair of you :)
26 Jul, 2009
Such enthusiasm and your hard work is really paying off,well done it looks so tidy :)
26 Jul, 2009
Don't be fooled by the tidiness of it. That's only that section!!
The part of the garden around the side by the shed has a fair few bags that need moving and other bits to sort but I'm sure it will all come in time. Meanwhile, I'll take the 'tidy' comments happily - thanks!
26 Jul, 2009
what a great transformation. well done on all the hard work you have both put in. :o)
26 Jul, 2009
Lovely garden. You've got so much in it, and done so much work. Well done. It looks great.
26 Jul, 2009
Yep you are hooked,lol.It all looks smashing,let us know when you reach the talking to them stage...............
26 Jul, 2009
Well I've spoken to the greenhouse but not in very savoury terms!! I'm guessing I might be speaking to the mini sweetcorn plant first as I am 6' 1" and it's now taller than me with no corns on yet!
Was thinking of taking it to dancing lessons maybe as it's that big.....
26 Jul, 2009
Corn likes to grow in a block, ie 4, 6, 8, so I've been told. I think it aids pollination. I always do as I'm told (!) so that how we've planted ours and its doing well. Yours might be lonely :)
27 Jul, 2009
Just discovered your blogs OB, and have really enjoyed reading and watching your garden's progress! What an amazing have both worked so hard to create your garden. Hope you enjoy the fruits (and veg...) of your labour, and Ali gets well soon...:))
28 Jul, 2009
Thanks Crazydi.
We have a vision but it changes almost daily and now hourly as we scour through this amazing sight and wonderful gardens of all the great folk on here.
I guess the vision will always change though as the garden matures over the.years.
It's mad though because as one looks at all the pics and ideas on here, you find yourself wanting all of them!!!
Be looking at your pics later :0)-
28 Jul, 2009
Be prepared to be Amazed Billie, When you look at Crazydi's garden ;)
28 Jul, 2009
Already started YDD and just the few pics I've seen are ace. So many great gardens, cool people and awesome blogs, I just don't know what to do or where to visit!
Great site...
28 Jul, 2009
I am amazed at what you've accomplished in such a short time!! Well done, there's hope for us all!
2 Aug, 2009
Thanks MP. I sell a lot on ebay outside of work and the money raised is for differnt projects. So far, everything is going on the garden as we would like to get most of it done this side of xmas...tall order but we'll give it a go. We've already learnt so much from our mistakes and the short time I've been on GoY.
It's mad though because I find ideas change constantly when you look at so may different styles of garden on here. All very diverse yet all very enjoyable and inspiring.
Here's to the further development of our little edens...:0)
2 Aug, 2009
I'll drink to that!! Yep, I'm becoming what my best friend calls a "plant slut" (????!!!) I want them all!
What's your ebay name & I'll have a look!
2 Aug, 2009
the-shirtmeister. I sell mainly used designer shirts and it's paid for a couple of hols and now the garden...
2 Aug, 2009
I thought you were selling your raised beds!
Glad you're doing well, I had to close my ebay shop!
It was costing me too much!
2 Aug, 2009
Lol! No, although we were discussing Ali's daughter tonight. Her and her fella have just bought a house and will move in soon. He has NO interest in the garden and eats limited veggies - none at all until |I cooked him duck stir fry with plum sauce!
Nic has already said she wants raised beds like ours - oooh, wonder who's doing those then - and Ali said earlier, she will no doubt want a pond when she sees ours!
We've been commissioned to sot the garden for her!!
Oh happy days....
2 Aug, 2009
As long as you make something out of it! I always end up out of pocket when people are "kind" enough to utilise my "talents" ! Especially family!
2 Aug, 2009
I have a feeling that she may be thinking that already as she knows how soft I am!
My idea is to, instead of giving them a housewarming present, maybe contribute something towards the garden, be it plants, timber for veggie beds or whatever. But, it's whether they are willing to stump up some cash initially as well to really get it motoring at the off.
Probably end up 'out of pocket though, as you rightly say. Mind you, she might try and bribe me with her homemade profiteroles. I don't like these yukky blobs as a rule but hers are just amazing. Mmmmm, I might have to rethink my strategy now to cover all bases.....
2 Aug, 2009
Typical! Just offer a man food & They're putty! That must be where I go wrong! I can cook, but prefer not to, so I pretend I can't!
2 Aug, 2009
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18 Jul, 2009
Amazing progress Oddbillie......I am really you fancy a few weeks in Northumberland helping me......when Ali is better of course..::))
26 Jul, 2009