rain rain come this way...
By mookins
I like many others am praying for a good session of rain. The wind is as drying round here as the sun…?
Regardless to this I havent been put off, if anything it makes me more dtermined. And when it gets too windy then I just hit the garden centres..
I have recently bought some
Fuchsia Winston Churchill basket plug plants
3 Dicentra Spectabilis Alba – Bare Root Crowns
3 Dicentra Spectabilis-Bleeding Heart Bare Root Crowns,
Wild Flower – Linaria vulgaris – Toadflax -
Herb – Lavender – Hidcote Blue
Wild Flower – Scabiosa columbaria
Im not sure whether the anemone bulbs or OXALIS IRON CROSS BULBS will flower this year but will put them in the ground and see, if not it will be very exciting next year when they all pop up.Am loving my wildflowers especially since we have the wildlife area now and the whole probblem with lack of bees, I feel like im doing my “bit” to help.
The bleeding hearts again will be no sign for a long time yet, but have been drooling over them on GOY so treated my self, another nice surprise for next year I hope. Am desperate to get another bed cut out in the back garden but as it hasnt rained properly the ground is much to hard for me to attempt, being the feeble little Mookins that I am will wait a bit longer.other than that my plants are just sitting around dwardling over their attempts to grow so have no amazing photos to put up so am off now to do my rain dance and check my new solar garden lights
x x x x
P.S. anybody seen craftnutter recently?
shes not been on for a while
x x x
13 May, 2009
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i love the air when it has had a good rain and no wind, it always smells so fresh and you can almost hear the plants gurgling with excitement as having a drink
love it
x x x
13 May, 2009
sending some Irish rain to you ..... you sound as if you get a buzz like me from a good old shopping spree at the garden centre
13 May, 2009
I'm hoping for a bit of rain too Mookins, It's been far too dry, It's suppose to rain tomorrow (Thurs) but i'll wait and see. xxx
13 May, 2009
We had a whole day of rain today! I did it - I got the hose out yesterday. Try it - it works!!! lol.
I am hoping for a dry day so that I can finish planting up my containers.
13 May, 2009
its 10pm and i can hear the rain pitter patting on the windowsills. :o) i went out and watered all the pots this am and it has been very windy for the last few days.
13 May, 2009
Ive got up this morning and ...YES ITS BEEN RAINING!!
just a smidgin but it rained, my dancing obviously worked
x x x
14 May, 2009
we had a good down pour last night but it is windy again so the trees will soon dry out the ground. mind you forecast is for more later today. fingers crossed.
14 May, 2009
definatly fingers crossed, its damp out but not even drizzle now
will keep on dancing
x x x
14 May, 2009
I got the hose out Tuesday as everything was so dry, it rained abit yesterday afternoon, but think it rained hard in the night, garden looks alot healthier for it.
14 May, 2009
you did get alot mookins, and glad you got bleeding heart to,, i love mine, and no havent seen craft.... now i come to think about it,, x
14 May, 2009
15 May, 2009
Mookins we've got it here today, i think the gardens needed it, but can't get out to do anything,(thats why i'm on here so early in a morning)
15 May, 2009
hehe that is the down fall to having rain Clarice, unless in the greenhouse Im stuck indoors, but dont mind if it means the flowers are better off
x x x
will just buy more plants instead... oops already have hahahah
x x x
15 May, 2009
Naughty, but nice, Mookins! ;-)
15 May, 2009
Ooooh, so it's all your fault we've had all this rain then Mookins!!! Well, come on, what ya gonna do about all this bloomin' wind!!!
26 May, 2009
Im having lots of beans!! .....to blow it back again
x x x
im so funny
26 May, 2009
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You have got some good lot of plants there Mookins.
I am going out now to plant mine, the rain has eased a bit.
I love planting as soon as the rain has stopped.
13 May, 2009