Moouse in the Hoouse
By mobee
Hi all
this is not a garden related blog,but was just wondering if any GoYers have found any mice (or mouse ) indoors.I`m at my wits end trying to catch one all this week’
Was sitting down to brekkie this morning and the “moouse” decided to make an appearance, of course i squealed and jumped up onto chair "Im not really afraid of them lol).My dozy boxer “balboa” just sat and looked at it some help he was….any great tips from you most knowlegable (sp!) GoYers would be greatly appreciated.Then i will be able to sleep at night lol
20 Nov, 2009
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If its in the house I would have no hesitation in bringng a mouse trap into service..
20 Nov, 2009
we get them every soon as the valley starts to flood thy pack their suicases and move up hill......i use poisen in the attic which is where mine take up residence....i tried cats ., and traps, but find the poisen solves the problem best
20 Nov, 2009
Hywel my old cats one of them was frighten of mice, but would have a go at any dog that came near her.
20 Nov, 2009
If you put a trap out (humane ones are available) put either peanut butter or chocolate in to trap - works best.
20 Nov, 2009
I agree with GS as with sticky 'pastes' the mouse can't just pull at one corner and trip the trap without getting caught but have to stay there to eat thus getting caught! (Humanely of course) and released away from the house and garden. I'm sure the local park/woods or somewhere like that will be great for it!
20 Nov, 2009
My Mum gets little visitors every winter fact she was over - run with them a few years ago. There were droppings drawers,cupboards & wardrobes & lots of squeakings & rustlings behind the skirting boards!!
She had a pest control man in who put poison down after traps proved inefficient & often left a mouse in they got mighty smart & took the bait leaving the trap still set. Also she had the odd rat join in the fun so something had to be done!
After the initial poison did it's thing we decided that was enough as it might prove a danger to her in her sometimes confused state of mind so we now use those plug - ins which emit a high - pitched sound that keeps them at bay. They seem to work...last winter she had no problems at all & this year we are waiting to see if that was a fluke or they really do what they say on the tin/packet!
They are fairly inexpensive to buy & you need several dotted around at the correct level to have the desired effect. :o)
20 Nov, 2009
Sorry Fluff ! They didn't work for me !! (X amount of £'s later !) Lucky in Brum... poison's free from the Council ! It's the ONLY way .. trust me !! Good luck ! x
20 Nov, 2009
Poison is the best way of killing them Sue, but my sister was left with decaying carcasses under the floor boards and behind the fire. She had to pay the local 'catcher to come and collect them. The place stunk for months afterwards. :~(((
20 Nov, 2009
This is my husbands resolution (not mine) .........................
Set out a bowl of hazelnuts as they are very hard to crack. When the mouse picks up a hazelnut, it will try to bite it. When it bites it hard, it will close it's eyes. At that moment.................hit it over the head with a rolling pin ! Problem solved !
20 Nov, 2009
OMG...that conjures up a cartoon image...LOL!
20 Nov, 2009
Oh Balboa I love you I can see the scene now - typical scaredy Boxer!
Humane trap peanut butter and a long walk to woods works for me good luck with the little critter
20 Nov, 2009
Thank you all for your tips & help, have actually just today bought 1 of those electric plug in jobs (pricey £30) so i hope it works, also have pnut butter & choc down well fed "moouse".He needent think he`s moving in "bag & baggage" will be turfed out lol next thing you know all the bl...y relatives will be there.Will keep you all informed when he`s been evicted.....:~)))))
21 Nov, 2009
Lol! When he IS evicted, put mint & tansy near where he's been getting in! They hate it!
21 Nov, 2009
Will do that Mad good tip i hate them i just dont like them inside lol if im honest i`m afraid of them lol did you ever hear the like of it lol:~))))
21 Nov, 2009
I'm not afraid of them, but I have lived in a house that was overrun with them when I moved in,it was horrible! Unhygienic to say the least & the smell was horrific! There were even cartoon-type mouse doorways in the doors! They used to just sit & look at me! The cat was in her element, though! I ended up mixing mint with filler & jamming it in skirting boards etc!
22 Nov, 2009
Mint and tansy thats fab you should add it too a handyhintpedia for all to share!
22 Nov, 2009
Sorry it cost you that much Mobee...have seen them much cheaper...hope it works for you. Mum had one looking in the living room window at her this week...checking out whether it was safe to come in for the winter I suspect!!
23 Nov, 2009
Warning, the Tansy smells disgusting!
I MUCH prefer mint! I mixed it with the filler to stop the cat from eating it!
24 Nov, 2009
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- Moouse Caught
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- Darling Peppi
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Get a cat .... - on second thoughts don't get a cat. My old Fluffy used to catch mice, bring them in the house, and then let them go. I was always chasing mice lol. I'm not much help sorry.
20 Nov, 2009