courgettes or marrows
By maccrimmon
Is a courgette just a marrow thats not grown up yet? for instance is this a marrow or just a big courgette
And if they are just big courgettes .What size of pasta do I need to make to use one?
And if they are Marrows what exactly do I do with them?
29 Jul, 2009
Previous post: Smiley potatoes .. Honest
Hey Milky I had about ten plants I was completly courgetted , even the neighbours were running away from me , so I let a few of the plants grow one big courgette. Thats my storey and I am sticking to it :~>
29 Jul, 2009
make lots of soup and freeze for the winter months!
add a little stilton to really make it nice.............steve
29 Jul, 2009
I am going to try a stuffed whatever it's called at the weekend and then I will try a soup with another.
29 Jul, 2009
Mmmmmmmmmmm tastey, tastey marrows or I think I mean courgettes anyway they look and sound tastey,
29 Jul, 2009
I`m totally confused Mac.....Lol Lol.....:~O
29 Jul, 2009
Eh? Monster courgettes?
29 Jul, 2009
?? I thought they were he same thing. lol
30 Jul, 2009
So did I Hywel!
30 Jul, 2009
We learn a lot on GoY :o)
30 Jul, 2009
Not half! I'd like to grow some food, but I'm not sure what would go in the little space there is. I could always do what Bamboo suggested & put some veg in the flower beds, but what?
30 Jul, 2009
I suppose small things would go in a flower bed - carrots maybe, they have pretty leaves and may not look out of place. I grow some veg in pots and tubs. They grow quite well.
30 Jul, 2009
I was thinking of putting tatties in a pot (I mean growing them) but yes, carrot tops are really lovely. Maybe fennel too, that's pretty architectural. thanks Hywel!
30 Jul, 2009
we have a cucumber taking over in our polytunnel....ill swop u some cues for a mum used to make marrow rum....
30 Jul, 2009
Madperth, Ian told me off when I suggested growing carrots in with my flowers 'because they were pretty'. He said they were for EATING, so watch out!
30 Jul, 2009
Marrow rum, Mac. My mum used to make it and there's a recipe at:
30 Jul, 2009
Marrow rum???? Oh yes!
I guess a marrow is a neglected courgette, really. We've got far too many this year, and they don't freeze well, do they? I shall be utterly sick of eating them by the time we get to October! Can't give 'em away as everyone round here has the same problem. We need to get our heads and our acts together and agree to STOP growing them ( apart from ONE volunteer, who will then distribute them to everyone else within earshot! ). Him Outdoors keeps emailing me recipes he's found online ( whilst at work! )....oh dear.
I like writing a name, or something short and pithy, on the side of a developing courgette ( use a pin or a sharp pencil to score the skin ) and watching the lettering grow with the plant! Kids love doing that! It doesn't harm the plant....
30 Jul, 2009
well that'll just give Ian another reason to start on me, hee hee! What other pretty veg can I think of? ;~))))
30 Jul, 2009
And all this time I thought they were zucchini...LOL
regardless you can find all sorts of recipes on line from breads to stuffed to soups. :)
30 Jul, 2009
Theyre only Zucchini in America & italy I think! Same difference<G> ! I love them lightly steamed with carrots & broccoli, then stir-fried into chicken, ginger (root) & dark soy sauce, but they MUST be crunchy for me!
30 Jul, 2009
Wonderful in souffles, too!
3 Aug, 2009
If you're going to have one, 'ave a biggun' as the saying goes!
4 Aug, 2009
Nah, I like the wee crunchy ones!
4 Aug, 2009
Zucchini soup is the trick absolutely lovely and you can use marrows or courgettes 'coz when its blitzed who knows what they were? :o)))
11 Aug, 2009
Don't do soup! I dont like "wet" food!
11 Aug, 2009
It's funny that, my daughter-in-law says the exact same thing, she hates 'wet' food give her crunchy stir fry anyday but soups just do not 'float her boat' so to speak. And she has the same first name as you, spoooooky hehehe.
11 Aug, 2009
Makes you wonder how such a thing as a bain-marie ever made into the art of food preparation, then ? :-)
16 Aug, 2009
LMAO!!! Very almost funny boys!
17 Aug, 2009
They are both "vegetable marrows" the courgette will grow on from its best before size into marrowness but there is a crucial difference , the C has been bred to have a thinner skin, yes you can eat young marrows like Csand their skins are softish too but they firm up a lot quicker and have a denser rind to them. Marrows keep better than Cs do at least they tend to keep longer, Ive still got a large Courgette( i had to think about whether to abbreviate there or not , decided not!!!) waiting to be used up its been cut 2 months now,
2 Dec, 2009
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Courgette Tristan F1 20 Seeds
£2.99 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Courgette F1 One Ball Seeds
£3.55 at Suttons Seeds -
Courgette Midnight Seeds
£3.55 at Suttons Seeds -
Courgette F1 Atena Seeds
£2.55 at Suttons Seeds -
Courgette Brice Seeds (Gro Sure)
£3.99 at Unwins
Ha ha ha let them did not watch carefully.....but neverthe less they are still just as enjoyable.....Forget the pasta, and just stuff the big ones....mince, onions tomatoes and herbs should set it right...then bake with a cheese topping and a chunck of french bread......lovely.......
29 Jul, 2009