Dont Know The Proper Name
By krenea09
Hi, i am new to this site,and new to gardening but i do have a passion for neighbor gave me some four clocks as she calls them,but there has to be another name for them.they have pretty yellow blooms on them and was just wondering if they need full sun because I have alot of shade in my yard.Can anyone help me?thanks
19 Oct, 2008
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The other flower that sprang to mind is the evening primrose - oenothera. This is yellow - or pink! These do need a sunny spot
19 Oct, 2008
What Spritzhenry said...ditto.
20 Oct, 2008
Spritzhenry. You forgot the white ones. My favourites. LOL.
Andrew. Evening primrose PREFERS (there are no italics on this site so I have to appear to shout - sorry) a sunny spot. But you can't stop it growing. No way.
25 Oct, 2008
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30 Jul, 2008
Hi Krenea - welcome to GOY.
I will have a go at identifying your plant but be warned that I could be completely wrong because you are 'across the pond' from me! There is a plant called the 'Four o' clock flower' which can be yellow, red, pink or magenta. Its latin name is 'Mirabilis jalapa'. If this is your plant, you need to be aware that it is borderline hardy. I don't know what your climate or temperatures are like. It dies if it gets too wet in the winter, so some protection from continual cold rain (and frost if you get it) would help it to survive. It needs to be grown in full sun and have lots of water in its growing season. Be aware that the sap from this plant could irritate your skin.
I hope I got it right for you - a photo always helps us to ID a plant.
19 Oct, 2008