By kmccue07
Mimosa is a cocktail that is 2 parts orange juice and 1 part champaign or sparkling wine. hmmmm… sounds like it might be good. But my Mimosa is a plant. :)))
This one I started from seed “to entertain the grandchildren.” Due to the seedling being very sensitive to drought I took it to work so that I could keep a closer eye on the moisture of the soil. Not to mention I wanted to do “show and tell” and entertain my co-workers as well. :)
Mimosa is also know as “sensitive plant” and “tickle me plant”….why might you ask???
It is because when you touch the leaves…
They rapidly close up.
The plant I have at work has been fondly named “Elmo” as in “tickle me elmo”
I don’t know if I would be allowed to bring Elmo home…there might be an uprising if I tried. LOL
The little pink pom poms are the blooms… They last for only one day.
The plant is quite a conversation piece.
Mimosa is native to Mexico, Central and South America. It has been reported to have made a weedy invasion in Hawaii. So you may want to obtain it with caution in warm climates.
I personally will probably not try it but they say a tea made from the plant will help you sleep. Now if I drink enough of the mimosa drink discribed above…I’m sure I’d get to sleep…may not feel well come morning though. LOL
You can see my African violets in the back ground of the mimosa and as you can see they are doing very well.
I’m beginning to get the reputation of “the plant lady” at work so when someone has a plant they no longer want…They ask me if I want it…That is how I aquired this Pathos.
I also care for a christmas cactus that has been moved to my area of the building due to the owner not having any luck with it. It has perked up with the TLC.
And I finally decided what I would plant in my wine and champaign glasses I also added a votive cup to balance the group.
Hypoestes aka “polka dot plant” one white, one light pink and one dark pink.
Now you have had the tour of my collection of plants at work.
Happy gardening
12 Aug, 2009
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ive read about the Mimosa isnt it brilliant
may have to get me one of these but can imagine it to be
"overtckled" with the kids around
x x x
12 Aug, 2009
my mother in law had one when the kids were little...if it was over tickled we seen no indication of it. That was with 12 grandkids playing with it at various times.
12 Aug, 2009
ooh there is a light then
have put on my wishlist
x x x
12 Aug, 2009
I once had a Mimosa when we moved back to Spain in 82. The plant grew very well for a time but I think it was "eaten" by a little dog that used to visit us & which belonged to the owners of a bar in the street where we lived. The poor thing was also stung on the nose by a wasp while it was on our balcony! I don't remember it having any flowers while it lived with us, in fact I don't remember now how it came to end up with me as at the time I had very, very few flowers.
12 Aug, 2009
Great idea the wine glasses for plants & the mimosa looks really sweet.
12 Aug, 2009
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Lovely plants and interesting information aswell. Thanks Kris.
12 Aug, 2009