Tropical Plants, Tropical Fruits, Organics
By kathrynselfe
Hi everyone!!
Well this is my first BLOG on this great site which I only found today. I have a small Tropical plant nursery in Carreglefn on the Isle Of Anglesey, and it turns out to be the only Tropical Plant Nursery in the whole of North Wales. We are grow all our Tropical Plants, Tropical Fruits and our Organic range ourselves. We have a large and ever incresing range and this includes Banana Plants, Kiwi, Passion Fruits, Grapes, Figs, Pineapples, and so many more tropical fruits. We then have our Tropical Flowers, Bulbs and so on. Also by popular demand we supply Organically grown Rhubarb crowns of different varieties, onion sets shallots and garlic. Our main aim is to supply quality plants at affordable, sensible prices, so everyone can enjoy some different plants in their garden.
Why not take a look
25 Jan, 2009
I'm Welsh too but I don't have a nursery.
Welcome to GOY.
25 Jan, 2009
But you have a cat Hywel
25 Jan, 2009
Hi and welcome to this site. We have a range of tropical, sub - tropical and exotic plants in our inner city garden in Bristol, and we are great fans of luscious and exotic plants and flowers.
25 Jan, 2009
Hello. Welcome to GoY. I'm trying to grow some tropical plants from seed indoors with mixed success!
26 Jan, 2009
welcome to GOY great blog
26 Jan, 2009
hey Kathryn
we too have a welsh nursery. ours is in Angle.......we specialise in coastal hardy plants. mainly shrubs and succulents. we were hit very hard by the frosts. how did u fair? we are at the moment putting up a new polytunnel to grow organic tomatoes in. nice to meet you.
25 Jan, 2009