A Climbing ,Clinging & Berry Barering Plant ???
By jacque
Its in My Laural Trees & I think its Very Pretty :)
I dont have a Clue what it is I didnt Plant it there ? :)
17 Aug, 2009
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No Idea San maybe some 1 will know ? :)
17 Aug, 2009
hope so, must have seeded from somewhere or a bird dropped a seed.
17 Aug, 2009
Love My Little Garden Birds San :) Their so good 2 me :)
17 Aug, 2009
Or a bird pooped a seed is likely :o) It's a pretty mystery tho'
17 Aug, 2009
Thanx Bob it means Birds like the Berries then if thats how it got there lol :)
17 Aug, 2009
Nice to have you back Jacque. Great that a bird may have delivered this as means they like to eat them so your bird population should increase.
17 Aug, 2009
lol wish on would poop my way lol
17 Aug, 2009
LOL il send one over who needs the Toilet San :) Hi Toto iv missed every1 of u :) Your all like another family here on GOY :)XXX
17 Aug, 2009
lol jacque :o)
17 Aug, 2009
Maybe relative of pea family Jacque because of tendrils and leaf shape. Latin name Lathyrus if you want to search.
As Toto says...great for the birds !
17 Aug, 2009
Thanx Ray :)
17 Aug, 2009
Hi Jac, nice to have you back. I've got no idea what it is either but if you want birds to poop for you San, just come and park your car behind mine! ! ! make sure you've just washed it though. :~((
17 Aug, 2009
Hi Jacque nice to have you back with us,
17 Aug, 2009
It,s Briony Jacque , I have it in my hedge .. I like it , it looks like christmas decorations hanging in the branches ..:o)
17 Aug, 2009
Thanx its Great 2 be back Ian/Clarice :) Briony Amy !!! whats that ? is it a Wild Plant? :D
17 Aug, 2009
Yes it,s wild Jacque .. Sorry I spelt it wrongly it,s ... White Bryony .. .. It,s good to see you :o)
17 Aug, 2009
& U 2 My Friend X
17 Aug, 2009
It's gorgeous Jac, how lucky!
17 Aug, 2009
Thanx Madp iv never seen 1 b4 :)
17 Aug, 2009
Nor me, but what a gift!!
17 Aug, 2009
Welcome home Jacque :o)
I'm glad Amy named your plant because I haven't got a clue lol.
18 Aug, 2009
I know it as sweet bryony - it's got a heck of a big root on it that is quite hard to dig up and smells rather like parsnip - makes me wonder if it's edible?
18 Aug, 2009
Good2be back Hywel & i didnt even think2look in my wild flower book did u? Its in there as large as Day 2 :) lol Fancy it haveing a Big Root Sarah ? it looks so delicate :)
18 Aug, 2009
Oh Jacque - why does it have to be me that tells you it's poisonous?
I get this wretched weed, too - it's not easy to get rid of, as the stems break if you try to heave it out, and the tendrils cling, as well. I have not yet got to its roots, as it grows like a rocket up amongst my climbing roses. :-((
18 Aug, 2009
Oh, what a shame! It's so pretty too!
Not your day, today, is it Spritz?
18 Aug, 2009
You might not like being the bearer of bad news Spritz, but imagine what might have happened if you hadn't said anything. Not in Jacque's case, obviously, but some people reading this might have tried eating it without checking first. :~))
18 Aug, 2009
Yikes! And it would have been my fault!!! <:-o
18 Aug, 2009
Thanx Spritz 4 the Warning :) i do like it so il keep it as its not the only poisonous plant in my garden so your sad news isnt so bad "Big Hug" x
18 Aug, 2009
Hi Jacque...nice to hear from you again. Pretty name for your plant...even if it is poisonous!! Glad you're keeping it.
18 Aug, 2009
Be careful it doesn't take over, Jacque! It grew in my 'hot' border at one time, and it tangled itself through several plants and pulled them over!
I won that battle, by heaving it out every tiime it appeared.
18 Aug, 2009
Thanx Fluff & il be keeping a close eye on it 4 sure Spritz :)
19 Aug, 2009
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it is pretty jacque, wonder what it is
17 Aug, 2009