Poorly Hedgehog :(
By jacque
Remember the Little Hedgehog who i fed in the Eveings & My Daughter Photo`d him/her trying2climb the Little Path Step into garden?
Well when i was walking Back2 my house this morning after feeding the Birds Outside i found Him/her staggering along the Path 2wards me :/ I picked the Little Hoggy Up & brought him/her inside 2see if he/she would eat my offering of Cat Food ? Hoggy Didnt eat a thing :( So i was worried as he/she seemed Poorly, @ 9am i took the Little Hoggy along to a RSPCA Wildlife Centre about 10/13 miles away from where i live i knew they could care for Him/Her as i didnt want Hoggy2Die, The Lady Wieghed Little Hoggy &Placed him/her inside a Nice Big Cardboard Box :) I left my name &contact number so they can phone me with any news they have on his/her illness ,I also asked if he/she can be returned to My Garden when well again :) The Lady Placed a Note On Hoggys Box & z theyd phone me soon :) Fingers Crossed Hoggy will be well Soon & Back in My Garden Enjoying Febes,Soxs&Puss Cat Food :)
6 Jan, 2009
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Thanx TT i was upset 2 find Hoggy looking so Poorly iv not seen him/her for 6wks or more i just thought maybe Hoggy was sleeping :( Im glad that i found Him/Her when i did :)
6 Jan, 2009
~well done Jacque~ you have done everything you could~ recently Gary's Centre found a box of puppies dumped outside their gates late at night, an Inspector found them and took them into their intensive care area and they are all doing well now!
6 Jan, 2009
OH Jacque you couldn,t have done more let us know how Hoggy gets on , I hope he will be back with you soon :o)
BTW did you see the news tonite about the little robin that waits for a crockery barn store in Norfolk to open in the mornings , it flys inside and sits on the counter drinking tea from a cup and taking crumbs out of the owners hand and stays with her most of the day , it,s so sweet :o)
6 Jan, 2009
~the mug has robins on it!
6 Jan, 2009
Wow! Thats Fantastic Amy how brill would that be 2 have a Robin share your Tea & Bisciuts &day @work :) Has the Mug really got Robins on Arlene ? :D
6 Jan, 2009
Good job you found Hoggy, Jacque. Hopefully the centre will sort him out. Good on you for doing so much to help.
6 Jan, 2009
~yes `One of the Emma Bridgwater ones!
6 Jan, 2009
Thanx Gee in sure Many of you Would do the same in My Poisition Bless u :)X
6 Jan, 2009
O thats so Sweet&Funny dont u think :)
6 Jan, 2009
Aww - well done Jac - poor little Hoggy - hope he is returned fighting fit to do battle with your slugs and snails :-) Very cold weather for a little Hoggy to be out and about - wonder if he just got too cold?
6 Jan, 2009
Oh Arlene you saw it ! wasn,t it so sweet I wonder if it will try to nest in the barn !
6 Jan, 2009
Poor little hedgehog, Jacque! It really is amazing that he survived the last week's frosts! I bet he was coming to find you for help... Please let us know how he gets on.
6 Jan, 2009
il keep every 1 informed Spritz of any news i get ,Just hope i found Hoggy In Time :/
6 Jan, 2009
~if the centre is like Gary's they use heat lamps to keep them warm~hopefully he will have been recued in time!
6 Jan, 2009
I hope he'll come home soon Jacque. I know you'll take good care of him :o)
6 Jan, 2009
Good luck with your prickly friend, he is in the best place for now.
6 Jan, 2009
Oh Jacque, you are so lovely to rescue little hoggy. I'm sure they'll take good care of him at the centre. He'll soon be back with you. :o)
7 Jan, 2009
Oh i do hope Hoggy will be alright, let us all know how he or she gets on.
7 Jan, 2009
Bless the little Hoggy. Hope he'll be ok.
7 Jan, 2009
Thanx for all the Kind & Caring Comments iv not heard how Hoggy so il give them a Call In Morning about 9am when they open just 2 see hows hes doing as i do worry & havent stopped thinking about Hoggy since leaving Him/her there ,
7 Jan, 2009
oh i hope he/she is ok Jacque will look out for news we have hoggy's in our garden too.
7 Jan, 2009
Iv found the Number & they open@9am so il Call 2 see if they have News 2morrow 4 me & My Waiting Friends ?
7 Jan, 2009
Little Hoggy is doing ok @ pesent every 1 & is Eatting & Taking Fluids,As hes so small itl be a Long while yet b4 he is returned back into My Garden ,Theyl ring me when hes all better & able 2 return as its a Long Way Off Yet :)
8 Jan, 2009
Sounds like so far Hoggy is doing okay :o)
That's a hopeful report.
Jacque, you did so well to save Hoggy and take him to the rescue centre. Please keep us up to date with news.xxx
8 Jan, 2009
Thanx TT it was Pure Luck that i found him Staggering along the Path he trys so hard 2 climb when weve seen him waddle off into the nite after filling his Belly of Cat Food i put out :)
8 Jan, 2009
~a story with a happy ending Jacque!well done!
8 Jan, 2009
Thanx Arlene im so Happy :D I wont reconise Him when he comes Home he`l be all grown Up :) Good thing iv Pics of Him :)
8 Jan, 2009
I,m so pleased to hear that little Hoggy is doing well Jacque , well done you for saving him :o)
8 Jan, 2009
It is good news isnt it Amy :) Hows your Snowball ? is she using the Cote Yet Amy?x
8 Jan, 2009
She arrives every morning for breakfast Jacque, she then sits either on top of or on the front ledge all day except for when she comes down for more corn .
She will go inside but then she turns round and sits at the front entrance ,
Sometimes one of the tamer friendly collard doves sits there with her , so she has a friend .
She usually goes off at night but a few times I have seen her there all night even when it was freezing ,I was really worried about her then , I don,t know how they keep warm !
it,s amazing isn,t it ! x
8 Jan, 2009
She sounds happy enough Amy :) My Bruv kept Racing Pigeons yrs ago & sometimes the Fantails that i had which lived in with the Racers would sit up near the Chimneys breast all nite in all kinds of weather cos they didnt want2come in :) Im sure she`l stay with u for life now :)Lucky U shes Beautiful :)x
8 Jan, 2009
Pleased to hear Hoggy is doing well. He'll know you helped him and will stick around your garden forever! With his family!!
8 Jan, 2009
Hi Jacque.jane here again. SOOOOO pleased that little hoggy is doing welland on the road to recovery.Look forward to hearing about his progress,and to seeing pics of him on his return home.Bless youx
8 Jan, 2009
Itd be Lovely if Hoggy had a Family Here in My garden PG :) & im so relived that Hoggys getting better Jane :) U should of seen the Poor Little Guy when i picked him up i tucked him in2 my coat Not even thinking of Fleas /Bugs ect ,I just wanted to Make him Warm &keep him safe as he did look so poorly :/ I even Dug up some worms from the pond area as all the other ground was frozen solid but he wouldnt even eat those :( So i knew he must be ill as im sure worms are 1of their Fav foods :)
8 Jan, 2009
Yes Jacque,they do love worms,but sure he is getting lots of care and most of all warmth.Sure he will be happy to set up home with you when hes better.He will want his Mum lol ! Who cares about fleas when a little life is at stake Well done for your prompt action !
8 Jan, 2009
Aww Jacque, you are so kind. Its thanks to people like yourself and the work of the RSPCA that make the difference.
8 Jan, 2009
Thanx Jane :) Did u see the Lovely Blue Tit Pic that Deida Took Jane? it looks like its legs are Blue ? She wants 2 no if its male or female Is Ray there 2 ask? Maybe he`l no if u dont :) If u dont mind me Asking Jane :)X
8 Jan, 2009
i know any of u lovely People would do excatly the same Dawn cos your as Wildlife /Animal Mad as Me XXX
8 Jan, 2009
Will go check it out now jacque
8 Jan, 2009
I suppose we would Jacque. I dont use slug pellets just in case the hedgehogs are affected, my lettuce were shobbered last year but so what!
8 Jan, 2009
Just back from Deidas pic isnt it lovely and clear? BB says blue legs show its either a male or a female lol !
8 Jan, 2009
Dawn,hear hear think folk like us all try our best for the wildlife.We rely on the thrushes to control slug population.Nature usually has its own natural balance dont you think?
8 Jan, 2009
Lmao did u see my Comment on us 3 going2same Pics Jane lol x
8 Jan, 2009
am so glad to hear Hoggy is ok Jacque, i don't use slug pellets either i have a tamish blackbird would hate to think he picked some up would never forgive myself. Beer in plastic cups works they die happy LOL
8 Jan, 2009
So glad to hear the good news about Hoggy. Good job you found him when you did and took action. Hurrah!!
8 Jan, 2009
~I don't use slug pellets either~I have a pair of blackbirds in my fir tree in the front garden they have young ones every year and certainly would not want to harm them!
M y hostas get ambushed though!
9 Jan, 2009
I dont Use Slug Pellets either &am very careful what Sprays i use on My Plants when theyv got Black Spot ect :)Best way when your being Wildlife Friendly :)
9 Jan, 2009
Good point about the slug pellets.
A lot of people don't realise how much damage they can do to wildlife.
9 Jan, 2009
hi TT even when i had My Rented Allotment 3years ago i would`nt use Pellets TT :) 2 Many Sprouts ,Cabbages 4 the Little Slugs/Snails 2 do to much Damage ,
9 Jan, 2009
That's good thinking Jacque.
Were the other allotment users as responsible as you, or did some of them use pellets ?
9 Jan, 2009
Many used Pellets there TT :( But My Alloment was more a Garden4me as i didnt have 1 back then only a Balcony 2grow Flowers on :)
9 Jan, 2009
HOGGYS COMING HOME :D Had a Phone call from Wildlife Centre @ 930am this morning & iv 2 collect Him today/tomorw :)
26 Feb, 2009
YAY!! That's fantastic news Jac! You could maybe put him in the hoggy box you made when he comes home - so he has a place to hide until it gets dark. I wonder if he'll think 'oh I know this - I've come home!' ? Can wait to see the pics :-)
26 Feb, 2009
RRRRRRRRrrr But Theres More Sarah ? Have a read of my Hoggys Coming Home Blog ;) XXX
26 Feb, 2009
Oh ok........ :-)
26 Feb, 2009
Found your blog Jacque and although it's a bit late, as time has moved on, you certainly did everything you could and the end result is thanks to you. Well done.
26 Feb, 2009
Thanx Toto im just so glad he pulled through :) id do it 4 any Animal Big/Small Wild/Tame :)
26 Feb, 2009
Me too.
26 Feb, 2009
26 Feb, 2009
oh good news Jacque Hurrah for Hoggy!!! hope theres lots of slugs and snails for him to munch on.
26 Feb, 2009
Great news Jacque....just off to see your hoggy blog now ! x
26 Feb, 2009
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Jacque you've done everything possible you could to help little Hoggy. He is very lucky that you found him. I hope he gets stronger and please let us know any news. xxx
I've given this blog a 'like' because I like the way you have tried so hard to help Hoggy. :o)
6 Jan, 2009