What a beautiful day.
By homely59
I hope many of you feel like me today. The first thing i always do in the morning as soon as i get up, is look at the garden from the bedroom windows, back and front. What a lovely sight. It is such a good way to start the day and to see all the birds out there , having breakfast. Secondly, it is Bertie who has the same enthusiasm for the garden, he bounces of the walls literally with excitement while i get the key to unlock the door. One funny incident was when i unlocked, for him to discover it was pouring down, he stood and stared as if he was utterly disappointed after all the warm sunny mornings, he then ran to the front door, obviously hoping it wasn’t raining in the front garden. That gave me a good laugh to start the day. Happy 1st July to everyone, lovely day for most of us weather wise i think.
1 Jul, 2008
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Absolutely a great way to start the day! I usually can't wait to grab my first coffee & have a quick look round the back gardens to see what has bloomed overnight. Once seed is put out for the birds they will come visit on the back porch with me - it is so refreshing & uplifting before beginning a workday! Happy July to you!
1 Jul, 2008
Yep im exactly the same , rain or shine I open the kitchen door and have that first cup of coffee looking out over my domain , lol , Happy gardening everyone x
1 Jul, 2008
well every1 out ther it pouring down here, i hav 2 open my blinds first.lol. happy holidays 2 every1.
1 Jul, 2008
I have to smile to myself, it appears as though we are all cut out the same "gardening" cloth. It's amazing to me how quickly a person gets so caught up in this gardening frame of mind and excitement of it all. I too have to check out my "domain" first thing every morning. I only wish my backyard (and garden) were right outside my back door so I could walk right out there in my robe and walk around, I have to traipse across a double driveway in front of the powers that be and everyone else to get there, so I have to be happy with looking out the window. :) lol
1 Jul, 2008
Yep I do the same. I go out with my bowl of Muesli and Juice, and eat it on the patio. Our terrace is usually too hot at breakfast time. Then I take my coffee for a walk and inspect everything. I feel deprived in the winter when I have to eat breakfast indoors, but I soon put a jacket on and take the coffee out.
1 Jul, 2008
Recent posts by homely59
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- I have added a pic of the flowers or similar
3 Jun, 2008
Lol. My old cat, Fluffy, used to do that when I lived in the old cottage. She'd try the front and back doors aswell as the two sets of French doors hoping it would be dry through one of them. She'd do it almost every time - never learnt.
I've heard someone saying "white rabbit" on the first of the month Homley. I think it's a thing they say in Swansea, that's where she's from. It's supposed to bring good luck. So "White Rabbit" and I hope it's a good day for you in your garden. : )
1 Jul, 2008