phenomenon or imagination ?
By heron
Is it just me but after a day in the garden, I go in for a meal and a bath in the knowledge that I’m on top of everything and that I’ll have little to do for a while. The very next day, armed with a mug of tea/coffee, I wander round in order to admire my hard work only to discover that there are enough jobs I’ve missed that would keep me busy for yet another day.
21 Nov, 2009
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Sounds familiar Heron :))
21 Nov, 2009
Himself will happily tell me 'I've completely weeded that bed' we go outside to look and - yup weeds, I think they hide behind the plants myself lol
21 Nov, 2009
....enough jobs I've missed that would keep me busy for another MONTH....:o)
21 Nov, 2009
I know that feeling well Heron.
21 Nov, 2009
It's our critical and perfectionist minds and eyes Heron !
It must be because we all seem to be agreeing with you and admitting it ourselves !!!!
A non gardener would probably just see the good bits ;-)
21 Nov, 2009
On the plus side a it's amazing how a cuppa can help inspire good ideas that make you wonder why you've not thought of it before. I'm hopeless at plant names, not much better at knowing how to look after all individual plants either, I do enjoy creativity though, aided with a cuppa.
21 Nov, 2009
Over on my blog of 16th November...
"I'll Drink To That... going Bananas"....
members are saying what they do with their tea or coffee ... after they've enjoyed their cuppa... do you put the coffeegrounds and teabags on the gardens...?
...and your banana skins ! ?...
more comments welcome over there.... thanks :o)
21 Nov, 2009
I know what you mean Heron, when im sitting with a cuppa in the garden all these ideas pop up in my mind! and i wonder how i hadn't thought of it before, so i get up and do it immediatly and the cuppa go's cold and somehow compost or flies decide to settle on the top hahaha.. Weeds seem to grow overnight too because im sure they weren't there the day before..
21 Nov, 2009
Ahhh compost & flies floating in my tea...I remember it well YDD!!
I think we've all done that Heron...gardening's a bit like painting the Forth Bridge! Only enjoyable!! :o)
21 Nov, 2009
Heron and Ydd, you're so right !
Whenever i sit out in the front or back with a drink i always, always have new ideas popping into my head !
Fluff, your Forth Bridge analogy's good :-)))))
21 Nov, 2009
Gardening is like house work its never finished
21 Nov, 2009
i get told off for not sitting still with a drink as i am always popping up to pull a weed. but i see it as my exercise programme. its the only one i have !
21 Nov, 2009
Know the feeling, at this time of year though i look in my garden and think of what i can do next year.
21 Nov, 2009
Sbg, i chuckled at that because i too get told off for not sitting still for long !!!
21 Nov, 2009
but have you noticed when we do decide to sit and stare, they all ways want to be up and doing instead? mine always seems to anyway :o)
21 Nov, 2009
LOL. yes i know !!!
21 Nov, 2009
I second all these comments. Where do those weeds come from anyway? I think they wait until the weeding is done and overnight say "come on fellas. Its time to repopulate" and they all pop up.
I know about the cold tea and tea with "additives". Wasps, flys, pine needles, leaves, caterpillers (once), manure (yuck), compost....all have found their way at one time or another into my tea. And that's not to mention the biscuit crumbs from 'dunking'. LOL
21 Nov, 2009
Morgana - but gardens don't need dusting :-)
21 Nov, 2009
Heron, my theory's the Fairies! As soon as our backs are turned, they are out there in our gardens causing mischief and mayhem....;) It's a ploy, to get us away from our computers and back outside again....365 days of the year, lol :))
21 Nov, 2009
Glad mine only come out at night !
21 Nov, 2009
andrewr they do when hubby makes sawdust in the shed!
21 Nov, 2009
Sbg - isn't it easier just to do a rain dance?
21 Nov, 2009
what more rain :o))?
but he always makes a mess after the rain has done the work :o(
love him really.
21 Nov, 2009
Oh definitely, there is always something that needs to be done however hard we work out there.
Sandra x
22 Nov, 2009
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this is definately a gardeners 'lot', but we wouldn't want it any other way would we?
21 Nov, 2009