Off to sunnier climes (I hope!)
By gwendas
Hello everyone
Happy Easter!
Haven’t been on GOY much as it’s the hols and my two teenage sons down. The weather has been pretty good for them – sunshine and showers – so they’ve been happy and so has the garden!
Beautiful today but rain forecast for next week. That may be a good thing because I am off on holiday with friend Michele and that leaves Rog in charge of watering pots and greenhouse!
I am off to Venice and a cruise round the Adriatic Sea and the Greek Islands tonight! If it wasn’t all booked and paid for I may have been wise to cancel as I have had to leave the school due to budget cuts along with 6 other support staff. I chose to finish at end of term rather than June because I live in a tourist area where I can get seasonal work but if I waited until then I would lose that opportunity. So I’m back to my friend’s sandwich shop until October half-term so I’ve got 6 months to find something more permanent. At the moment there is no full-time work and all schools in the area have had budget cuts so lets hope this recession gets sorted soon?!
Great news though! my daughter Kat is expecting a baby late October so maybe these things happen for a reason? I will now be able to be with her for the birth, as she has asked, and look after her for a couple weeks too which would have been difficult in term-time.
Anyway back to the garden! Everything’s growing and it’s exciting isn’t it?
I’ve been helping a lady down the road to get a container garden for her large patio area planted up and have so enjoyed it. She has a sunny area and a partially shady area and she particularly wanted plants for scent as it is mostly used in the late afternoon sun and evenings. She also wanted summer colour and some salad leaves and herbs. Good fun!
I hope you are all enjoying some time in your gardens over the holiday period. Will have to catchup on your news and photos in 8 days!
Love Jo x
11 Apr, 2009
Previous post: Frustrating day!
Next post: What a difference a week makes!
Hi Jo ~
Good news about your daughter Kat. ! Congratulations !
A pity about losing your work at the school, but, as you say, sometimes things happen for a reason. I hope you manage to find other employment as the weeks progress.
Have a lovely holiday, and looking forward to reading about it when you return. TTx
11 Apr, 2009
Oh lucky you a cruise enjoy!!! Congrats on the forthcoming grandchild having just had my grandaughter for the day (she's 4 in May) gird your loins for an exhausting but enjoyable time, we planted some sunflowers i have to send her photos of them when they come up, (she lives in Leeds)!! and don't forget Grandma Pat LOL!!!
11 Apr, 2009
Hi Jo! Have a lovely time - I told you already that you will LOVE Venice! Don't forget your camera and bring back some beautiful photos for us to enjoy. XX
11 Apr, 2009
Thanks all - just having quick look at messages on GOY before doing my nails! got to make them look something like it after gardening!! Hope to get some nice photos to share with you - my eyes will be on the plants and flowers on the greek islands.
Love Jo xxx
11 Apr, 2009
Hi Jo. Have a great time on your hols. Take lots of pics.
Congrats on your upcoming grandchild.
12 Apr, 2009
enjoy the hols . will you do a blog of anything good plantwise. The upside of not working in schools is you get the choice of cheaper hols. unlike the rest that have to pay full whack.
12 Apr, 2009
Recent posts by gwendas
- Having problems!
16 Jun, 2010
- Hello to old and new friends on GOY
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- First blog for weeks!
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- Early summer sunshine
10 May, 2009
- What a difference a week makes!
21 Apr, 2009
- Frustrating day!
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Sorry to hear about the budget cuts at your school. What a horror this recession is being for everybody. Hope you find a permanent post, meanwhile have a fantastic holiday and many good wishes to your daughetr. We just heard that our friend from Madrid is pregnant and expecting in October. Catch up with you then? :o)
11 Apr, 2009