"Lucifer" has arrived
I’m having to write here because the person I need to thank is unable to log into GOY but can read everything
Therefore a PM would not arrive
I’m referring to Sue " Steragram"
A while ago I mentioned I was looking to plant some Crocosmia [Montbretia] "Lucifer in the car park border where I volunteer
Sue offered to send some once hers had died down, but since then she has been unable to log in to GOY and it seems not “fixable” for whatever reason, so she may have to reappear under new persona or continue reading but not being able to participate
However Sue had not forgotten and a parcel arrived today with “Lucifer” corm’s, thank you Sue, hope to get them planted soon and settled in before the winter
I do intend to write a “proper blog” on the border but in the meantime here’s some pictures to show how it’s looking so far with acknowledgements & thanks for all your suggestions last year
This was July 2020, although it was ready to start once it stopped raining in March we then we lost time due to lock down and weed grew so it was start again
This was a couple of weeks ago, end of September
Sue, the Loniceras are at the far end near the fence, not visible in this shot
We managed to find free topsoil where someone was having an extension built, along with soil was an unwanted bird bath, goes well and once the plants grow a bit should be ideal there
One of the plants is “Shoo Fly” [centre at back] which seems to love it in that hot & dry border, hopefully it’ll self seed and become settled there
I think a Lonicera is peeking up to the right & rear of the bath
This is a Fennel seed head, again they love the dry & hot, plus this time of year nice for spider webs with dew.
The Fennel can be used as a herb in our kitchen where we provide hot meals for older people
I grew some Shasta daises from seed this Spring and they were subsequently planted out into the border once lock down finished, some have flowered this year with loads to come in subsequent years
One thing popped up from nowhere although there’s nothing under here like old tree roots
Looks quite & interesting though
13 Oct, 2020
Previous post: Pear rust has arrived
Next post: Pigeon Pic
Well done that has been transformed, keep up the good work Gg...
I wondered why I wasn't seeing Stera around, thanks for that info, so many folk having problems recently hoping you are back with us soon Stera...
13 Oct, 2020
I wondered about Sue. I thought she had this resolved. Sue if you are reading this, the only option is just create a new profile. Let's put this to bed already. Good luck.
14 Oct, 2020
It's looking good now. It must be nice volunteering for something like that.
I'm sorry that Sue can't log in. I hope she'll be able to do something about it .
16 Oct, 2020
I loved your last photograph.
I got a bit of fennel this year and have it in front of a wall where it’s dry so hopefully it will do well there.
I’ll look forward to the seed heads next year.
17 Oct, 2020
Looks fantastic! Well done for really making a plain area look really great! It’ll just keep on getting better and better.
Loved your pics, GG.
Poor Sue, what a nightmare. I did wonder If she’d been having problems with the site again. As Paul said - best to create a new profile, Sue! We look forward to hearing from you soon! Best wishes!
17 Oct, 2020
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What an improvement! Should be even better next season.
13 Oct, 2020