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Gomphrena leontopodioides ‘Empress’ - up close
By Bernieh

9 Aug, 2009
Gomphrena leontopodioides ‘Empress’ is a new Australian native
cultivar. It produces masses of globular purple flower heads which remain on the plant for up to 12 months, contrasting nicely with its grey-green foliage. Plants grow to about 30 x 40cm. ‘Empress’ is drought tolerant once established and tolerates light frosts.
Comments on this photo
Wow! It sure has staying power...Wish I could get something that would bloom for...ever. :~)
9 Aug, 2009
Thanks Louise and Mamagem - this is just new to the market here. Apparently it was found in central Queensland growing wild and it's now been developed for the garden market. I'll see how it goes.
9 Aug, 2009
Its lovely nice close up beautiful wild flower I think some are prettier than garden flowers some time.
9 Aug, 2009
Agree Morgana - there's definitely some beauties out there in the wild. I'll have to take a closer shot to show the little star-shaped parts in between the petals on this - just amazing!
9 Aug, 2009
Thank you Bernieh look forward to seeing it.
9 Aug, 2009
It's getting too dark right now - 5.30 pm in wintertime over here and the sun's gone down. So I'll try tomorrow.
9 Aug, 2009
Thats ok I understand you different times lol I can just see one star on top of the flower and down a bit lower would love to see a close up of it though
9 Aug, 2009
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This photo is of species Gomphrena leontopodioides 'Empress'.
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This photo is of "Gomphrena leontopodioides 'Empress'" in Bernieh's garden
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I've just looked through all your nice flower pictures and this one caught my eye .... it's lovely, a bit different .... i like it :))
9 Aug, 2009