The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Genus: Daphne

We are a community of garden lovers. On this page you will find:

  1. Where to buy Daphne plants & price comparison.
  2. Care tips & advice from our members.
  3. Photos of Daphne plants in real gardens.

This attractive genus of about 50 different species of shrub can add interest to the garden all through the year with their often very fragrant flowers.

In colours ranging from pinky-red to lilac, yellow, white and lavender, this is a versatile genus that includes some fantastic varieties that will put on a mid-winter show. D. bholua, D. odora and D. mezereum all flower over winter and produce fantastically fragrant blossom too.

But beware – the fruits of these plants are considered highly toxic and because of their bright colours can be attractive to young children and inquisitive dogs and cats!

Daphne to buy

Clicking on any of these plants will give you more information, you only leave this website if you decide to buy. You can see all the Daphne plants for sale in our garden centre which lists products from over 25 popular websites.

We have 226 photos of Daphne plants in real gardens

These photos are from real gardens by real gardeners! Just click on one to start exploring.

You can also discover who's growing Daphne.

  • Daphne cneorum (Daphne cneorum (Brijacica))
    By spritzhe..
  • Daphne cneorum (Daphne cneorum (Brijacica))
    By spritzhe..
  • Daphne mezereum Rubra (Daphne Mezereum Rubra)
    By plantoho..
  • Daphne (Daphne mezereum (Dafne))
    By seaburng..


Care tips & Questions

This advice is from our members, if you can't find what you're looking for please ask your question of our friendly community.

Can I prune/trim a daphne?

2 replies


28 May, 2009

Daphne lifespan

3 replies


11 Mar, 2008

Species of Daphne

  • Daphne acutiloba
  • Daphne albowiana
  • Daphne alpina
  • Daphne altaica
  • Daphne angustiloba
  • Daphne arbuscula
  • Daphne arisanensis
  • Daphne aurantiaca
  • Daphne axillaris
  • Daphne bholua
  • Daphne blagayana
  • Daphne brevituba
  • Daphne caucasica
  • Daphne championii
  • Daphne cneorum
  • Daphne depauperata
  • Daphne emeiensis
  • Daphne erosiloba
  • Daphne esquirolii
  • Daphne feddei
  • Daphne gemmata
  • Daphne genkwa
  • Daphne giraldii
  • Daphne glomerata
  • Daphne gnidioides
  • Daphne gnidium
  • Daphne gracilis
  • Daphne grueningiana
  • Daphne holosericea
  • Daphne jasminea
  • Daphne jezoensis
  • Daphne jinyuensis
  • Daphne kamtschatica
  • Daphne kiusiana
  • Daphne kosaninii
  • Daphne laciniata
  • Daphne laureola
  • Daphne leishanensis
  • Daphne limprichtii
  • Daphne longilobata
  • Daphne longituba
  • Daphne macrantha
  • Daphne malyana
  • Daphne mezereum
  • Daphne modesta
  • Daphne mucronata
  • Daphne myrtilloides
  • Daphne odora
  • Daphne oleoides
  • Daphne papyracea
  • Daphne pedunculata
  • Daphne penicillata
  • Daphne petraea
  • Daphne pontica
  • Daphne pseudomezereum
  • Daphne purpurascens
  • Daphne retusa
  • Daphne rhynchocarpa
  • Daphne rodriguezii
  • Daphne rosmarinifolia
  • Daphne sericea
  • Daphne sophia
  • Daphne striata
  • Daphne sureil
  • Daphne tangutica
  • Daphne tenuiflora
  • Daphne tripartita
  • Daphne x houtteana
  • Daphne xichouensis
  • Daphne yunnanensis