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Snowball cooling off


By Amy

Snowball cooling off

she stayed there for a good half hour

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awww Snowball is lovely

1 Jun, 2009


Pretty Snowball, if you lived a little closer I might have joined him, its been so hot today. LOL

1 Jun, 2009


It,s been lovely PP , pity I had so much ironing etc. to do :o(

1 Jun, 2009


Who's a pretty boy.

1 Jun, 2009


Great photo of Snowball...........

1 Jun, 2009


Aw...shes looking quite tame now Amy......

3 Jun, 2009


She is Janey , although we are pretty sure she is a he as he has been trying to woo a grey collered dove , it,s so funny to watch , he fluffs his feathers up and his wings , dances and moos , yes moos all around the dove , it sounds like a cow mooing , she dosn,t want anything to do with poor Snowball , she already has a mate ...
If I go outside he starts mooing to get my attention , I have to stop and speak to him every time I pass .. LOL .. He worries me as he spends a lot of time sunbathing wings stretched out on the grass .. It,s 9 months now since he came .. we are off to France for 3wks this month , it wil be interesting to see if he is still here when we get back :o)

3 Jun, 2009


Oh...Snowball......lets hope he won't be lonely about getting him a white female dove for company????....:o)

3 Jun, 2009


Janey we have noticed that there are some racing pigeons and some white fan tails that live at the old maltings nearby , we think snowball might have flown in with them , he dosn,t seem to want to stay with them , There was another white fantail on the roof with him one morning , I was so excited that I dashed out to speak to him and frightened the other one off :o( maybe it,s a young one perhaps he will bring another one next year ... I don,t know much about these things ..LOL ..

He does listen to me when I chat to him .. his little head turns from side to side and you know that he is listening .. :o)

3 Jun, 2009


AAAAaawwwwww Snowball not seen u 4 ages " Blowing U a Big Kiss " :)

4 Jun, 2009


She got it Jacque , says .. Cooo e e...... :o)

4 Jun, 2009


LOL :) Phil says that 2 sometimes Amy lol :)

4 Jun, 2009


Dove of peace. He's obviously found a refuge in your garden.

5 Jun, 2009


He has that Lindak , :o)

5 Jun, 2009


lol it looks like it's positioned so the fountain is playing inside its feathers! surprised no other birds tried to muscle in, thanks, it's gone into my faves

26 Feb, 2012


He was very special to us Fran he arrived in our garden one day and stayed for 2 years after one year he brought a lady friend my OH made a nesting box for them she layed her eggs but one day I saw rats running up to the box ,the eggs had gone after that they left ,we were so sad ... the rats came from chickens that were being kept beyond our fence .. we have since put traps down ...... there are pics of them together on here somewhere ...

26 Feb, 2012


thanks, dear I'll find them, I'm working through your album!

shame abotu the rats, but i suppose even they have to live; is there any way to put cones or something to stop the rats getting up the pole to the next box? (I've seen pics of inverted cones fixed to poles that stop squirrels)

26 Feb, 2012

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