The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Geranium .... ivy-leaf .... 'Atlantic Burgundy'

Genus: Pelargonium.

Species: Pelargonium.

Planted 05.08

Bought from Wilkinsons ... punnet of 4 £1.99 ..... 3 punnets for £5

Position: full sun

Transplant plugs immediately into chosen container (pots or hanging baskets) using mlti-purpose compost (add gel in punnet to the compost to assist water retention.).Position them on warm windowsill to grow on. Place outside when all risk of frost has passed.

This plant variety is fairly low maintenance, requiring a sunny spot and less water than most other summer bedding plants.

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due almost 11 years ago:

Dead head

to maintain good show of flowers July-Sept