The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Caroline32's Garden


Genus: Camellia.

Species: Camellia japonica.

Common Name: Camellia
Genus: Camellia
Species: japonica
Skill Level: Experienced
Exposure: Partial shade, Shade
Hardiness: Hardy
Soil type: Well-drained/light, Acidic, Moist
Height: 900cm
Spread: 800cm
Time to take cuttings: June to July
Flowering period: March to May

One of the classic spring flowering shrubs with colourful waxy flowers over fine glossy foliage. Even after flowering it is a decorative evergreen for the remainder of the year. It does need an acid soil but even if your soil is limy, it grows superbly in a large tub filled with ericaceous, or lime-free compost.

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