The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Iris (dwarf) reticulata

Genus: Iris.

Species: Iris reticulata.

Planted 09.07 Vistabile corkscrew hazel bed

Hardiness: Hardy

Skill Level: Beginner

Soil type: Well-drained/light, Clay/heavy, Acidic, Chalky/alkaline
Exposure: Full sun

Height: 15cm
Spread: 10cm

Iris reticulata is an early flowering iris, usually appearing from late winter to early spring. The blooms vary from pale blue to deep violet with central yellow splashes down the middle of each petal. In recognition of its outstanding excellence, the Royal Horticultural Society have given it their prestigious Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
Plant the bulbs 5-10cm (2-4in) apart at twice their own depth in well-drained, moderately fertile soil in sun or partial shade.
To propagate, divide bulbs from mid-summer to early autumn to increase stocks.

Photos of this plant

  • Irisreticulatacloseupcorkscrewhazelbedvistabilefrontgarden11.03
  • Irisreticulatacorkscrewhazelbedvistabilefrontlawen11.03
  • Irrisreticulatabelowcontortedhazelvistabilefrontgarden11.03

Reminders for this plant

Due almost 16 years ago:

Divide / plant

Time to divide plants: July to September

Due almost 15 years ago:


Time to divide plants: July to September

Due almost 13 years ago:


Time to divide plants: July to September

Due almost 11 years ago:


Time to divide plants: July to September