The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Muscadet's Garden

lilium Mackliniae

Genus: Lilium.

Species: lilium Mackliniae.

such a delicate lily for a woodland garden. Also know as the Siroi lily. Lilium mackliniae, is a beautiful lily
It is I believe the state flower of Manipur.

This lily seems to like shade , although how much I am not yet certain. I bought it specifically because I wanted a delicate shade loving lily ( I already have Cardiocrinum) which is beautiful but tall . This smaller lily has beautiful pale bluish-pink petals. I love its delicate slim and elegante shape . Such a pleasure to see this flower for the first time in my garden last year. I am hoping it will survive to flower again in the position I have placed it.
It is in a large square trough in semi shade (woodland edge conditions). The natural habitat provides sudden monsoon showers , high altitude etc etc Any advice gratefully received ; )

Photos of this plant

  • Lilium_mackinilae
  • Tropaeolum_tricolorum2
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  • Dsc01532
  • View_from_above_delightful_pody_aris_cand_fern
  • View_from_above_delightful_pody_aris_cand_fern
  • Evelyn_pilgrim_abraham_darby
  • Evelyn_pilgrim_abraham_darby
  • Rosa_crocus_rose
  • Front_garden_roses_in_bloom_evelyn_good_2