The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Limpet's Garden


Genus: Myrtus.

Species: Myrtus communis.

Bushy evergreen with strongly aromatic leaves and masses of white blossom followed by purple-black berries.

Was grown in England in the 16th Century and a sprig was included in Victorian birdes' bouquets.

Any soil, does well in a pot.
Need protacting from icy winds and hard frost. Likes a sunny position.

Mine has overwintered by a south-facing draughty backdoor, in a pot on the floor.

Slow growing: 1.5 x 1.5 m in 10 years.

Plant cuttings in propagator in summer. Bottom heat needed. Sow under glass in spring.

Photos of this plant

  • A_myrtus_communas_tarentina_myrtle