The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Limpet's Garden


Genus: Heuchera.

Species: Heuchera.

Heuchera, Coral Bells, Alum Root, or Cranesbill Root.
MIDNIGHT ROSE - by far my favourite heuchera. The pink splashes of colour on that velvety dark red leaf is amazing to look at and provides interest all year round.

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Alum Root, also called Cranesbill Root, a strong astringent, was introduced to medicine by the American Indians. Knowledgeable American physicians still use Alum Root to reduce inflammation of mucous membranes, curb irritation of hemorrhoidal tissue, and to restore venous health. Alum Root is an especially powerful astringent for passive bleeding, as occurs in hematuria, hemotysis and menorrhagia, and has a potent healing effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Like Mullein, Alum Root has been found to be active against tuberculosis bacteria. Alum Root was also relied on by early American Indians to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and leucorrhea, among other conditions.

This root is intensely astringent, with a modicum of stimulating properties. It is too powerfully drying to be suitable for internal use, except in such passive conditions of the bowels as are connected with hemorrhage and coliquative diarrhea suddenly following typhus; when it may be combined with a stimulant and used by injection. Its powder is employed locally as a styptic in wounds, piles, and other hemorrhages from small vessels. It is a reliable article in such cases; and has also been applied in foul and indolent ulcers, in company with Xanthoxylin or other stimulant. Combined with Hydrastis in excess, it will make a good injection for depressed and offensive leucorrheal discharges and excoriated cervix uteri of the malignant grade.

It is usually given by infusion, or boiled in milk with geum virginianum and a demulcent. Geranium is sometimes called Alum Root.

Photos of this plant

  • A_heuchera_midnight_rose
  • A_heuchera_midnight_rose_detail