The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Veg: Cucumber 'Telegraph improved'

Species: cucumus sativas.

Sown 21.02.09
Bought '07 at Wilkinsons for £1.29 pkt av contents 10 seeds.

Very reliable.
An improved strain of this well known and reliable variety with smooth-skinned, good-sized fruits. Recommended for exhibition.

60 days. Telegraph Improved is one of the most requested open-pollinated greenhouse varieties. Our strain is grown in England and is derived from the original Telegraph Long. Dark green, smooth-skinned, 10-14 inch fruit are burpless, mild flavored, and never bitter. The plants will grow up to 8 feet in a greenhouse, are easily trellised, and set fruit without pollination. Performs very well outdoors too.
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Cucumbers need plenty of sun, moisture and good soil, with a dressing of general purpose fertilizer. They grow very well in large pots 10 litres upwards, in grow bags or in the ground. Containers need to be filled with rich, fresh potting compost, and beds need pleny of well rotted organic matter. Grow in a different site every year to avoid pests and diseases. Greenhouse cucumbers need support in the form of netting or canes, which you should erect before planting. Outdoors you can choose to let them trail without support, or support them if you prefer. The main shoot should be pinched out at five to six leaves to encourage branching.

Plant out May-July. Plant in moist soil and avoid soil touching the base of the stem, Cloches of fleece increase soil temperatures, and will boost growth and yield.

Product Features

Water regularly, with a general liquid feed if plants are failing to thrive. Once growth is underway, feed weekly with tomato fertilizer.

When the cucumbers are sufficiently large, cut of using a sharp knife, and pick before the strongest heat of the day. Harvest regularly, as leaving mature cucumbers on the plant will stop new plants developing.

Pest and diseases

The most troublesome is powdery mildew. This is a dusty white covering on the leaves. Sulphur dust will limit damage but badly damaged plants should be removed. Red spider mite and whitefly can be controlled with biological insectisides.
[Source: ]

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due about 15 years ago:


germination 7 - 21 days
Remove cover & grow on at approx 15C.

Prick out

When large enough to handle prick out singly in 5" pots


When 3 - 4 leaves have formed plant out in grow bags.

Remove male flowers

Remove flowers without swelling behind them ( male flowers )