The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Veg: Tomato 'Tiarella' [Cordon standard]

Genus: Lycopersicon.

Species: Lycopersicon esculentum.

Sown 21.02.09
Bought '07 at Wilkinsons for 9pp pk of 6 varieties (25 - 30 seeds each)

An old variety which is striped red and orange / yellow. Good taste and ideal for brightening up salads. Produces fruit early in the season.

Photos of this plant

  • Tomatotigarellavistabilegreenhouse09.04.05

Reminders for this plant

Due about 15 years ago:


germination takes 7 - 14 days

Prick out

When two real leaves have formed prick out singly into 3" pot.Plant deep .... You can see small whitish nodules or hairs on a tomato shoot just above soil level. These ‘pimples’ will grow into roots if they contact the soil, enabling the plant to take on more nutrients and moisture

Plant out

Water thoroughly before planting in grow bags when they are about 8" tall and the flowers of the first truss are beginning to open


When the first truss has set it’s time to start feeding. Tomatoes are greedy, we want lots of juicy fruits, so you need a good tomato feed. Use either a bought organic feed, which is based on comfrey, Tomorite or make your own comfrey liquid feed.
Feed weekly at least to keep the plant going.