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Annidavison's Garden

Tumbling Tom Tomatoes

Bought some seedlings a few days ago and have been keeping an eye on them. They're not looking too happy, but that's probably just 'cause it's cold. I've got some basil going too, and have desided to get them both going in a layered plant pot, with the basil in the top layer and the tomatoes growing down from the second. Maybe. If they survive, lol.

15-02 - Well, the Tom's are dead. Not my fault though; all the plants from that batch basically errupted in white mould and died. Ah well; I'll buy some more when the weather cheers up a little and try again.

1 - 03 - A small mirical! I took the Tom remains outside, to give them a day or two to die back so I could just remove them and re-use the soil, since they barely touched it. Three of the four have just melted into puddles of white fur, basically, but there's one which has kinda shed the mould and there's a few tiny, new leaves growing from it! The moulds pretty much died on it's own, and as far as I can tell, Tom 4 is alive and growin!

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