By doddy555
hi everyone,
so new to the site and gardening, loving the site everyone so helpful, still not sure what i am suppose to do with pictures, when i have looked at other peoples they are maily of plants and not the whole garden layout, i not got lot plants to put up yet, but love looking at peoples gardens and how they are layed out, do you put them some where else? am i adding pics wrong ?
19 Jun, 2010
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19 Jun, 2010
hi grandmage thanks for that, so when they up load there pics do they just go onto the garden section? are do you have to press something else? oh i wil enjoy since i joined couple days ago not done anything else but look on here, i bin of work week with pulled muscle in rib cage so had to rest, back work tues 4 nights, cant wait get back in garden lots of ideas, love it wish i would have done it ages ago, garden ok, but want to make it better now, and now i enjoy doing it, got excited today cos my rose flowered, my son thought i was mad, hey i have gone on a bit here ups sorry ,,,take care
19 Jun, 2010
hi drc726 thanks very much for that ,,take care
19 Jun, 2010
Well when you upload your pictures it goes into your homepage photos, a bit like a photo album but it is in your own homepage, if you want your pictures to go into the garden pictures you can 'nominate' them to go that area, dont worry about that at the mo, its complicated, just learn to put your photos on first then all the other bits will follow, if you see what I mean !!!!! Anyway welcome on here, it is a good time waster !!! but fun one and you meet lovely people from all walks.
19 Jun, 2010
thanks so much grandmage, you right about everything, the site is BLILL
take care an thanks
19 Jun, 2010
Sorry Grandmage but someone else has to nominate your own pics you can only nominate others not your own. But dont worry if the editor likes the pic they can still choose them to.
19 Jun, 2010
right drc726 well maybe one day one of my pics will get on lol
19 Jun, 2010
I know at leats 3 of your pics have been selected - go to your pic page and have a look?
19 Jun, 2010
really how will i no which pics ???
19 Jun, 2010
How can you tell, they are not marked are they?????
19 Jun, 2010
no cant tell which 3 ?????? lol
19 Jun, 2010
hey i sorted it 4 of my pics,,,, is that good? well i am well chuffed, gave me such a buz thanks for telling me
19 Jun, 2010
i clicked on to all my pics and at the side it tells you where its gone to , me well happy
19 Jun, 2010
19 Jun, 2010
grandmage looked at couple of yours and what i looked at not them all lol
you have 6 :)
19 Jun, 2010
thanks drc726 :)
19 Jun, 2010
Glad you know what you are doing Doddy !!!!!
20 Jun, 2010
hey on p.c maybe ,,,,in garden well think i will be on here a lot asking things, you all will be sick of me :) got so many things i want to do, well now i feeling better going to cut my sad looking grass , and potter about in garden, cant do to much yet rib not 100% take care i will be back on here very soon lol
20 Jun, 2010
Take care and push that mower slowly !!!!
20 Jun, 2010
Mind how you go Doddy
20 Jun, 2010
are thanks grandmage, i will push very slow!!!!! dont want that pain back,
have good day, take care
20 Jun, 2010
thanks drc726 i will,,,, have good day take care
20 Jun, 2010
Thanks D, I am off to my daughters today til Tuesday, same every week, I look after our grandson, thats why on Wednesday I spend ages looking at all the comments on here !!!! bye.
20 Jun, 2010
hope you have good time at daughters, have fun with grandson bless, catch you soon take care
20 Jun, 2010
Recent posts by doddy555
- back garden update
9 Jul, 2010
- funny thing update
5 Jul, 2010
- help
4 Jul, 2010
- funny thing
4 Jul, 2010
- before and after
21 Jun, 2010
- hello
21 Jun, 2010
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Hi doddy you can put any pictures on your homepage of plants, gardens, trees, anything it is a matter of personal preference what type of pictures you take, however you can see peoples gardens by looking at the top of page and there is a tab that says 'garden pictures' press and see. ! Enjoy.
19 Jun, 2010