Look what my nice hubby did for me.........
By craftnutter
There I was, bemoaning the fact that I have to nag my men to do anything in the garden for me, and my hubby makes me eat my words…….
Another new bed for me to use for my shade loving plants……
5 Apr, 2009
Previous post: New use for rabbit hutches.....
Next post: Got a shock today!!!
What a difference craftnutter, it looks miles better, what would we do without our hubs :)
5 Apr, 2009
Trouble is, we are not appreciated.
I guess you are like the rest of us Craftnutter's hubby. Downtrodden, intimidated and taken for granted.
5 Apr, 2009
Noooo Toto, we do appreciate our hubs, (well i do) even tho he's not interested in gardening my garden wouldn't look half as good, and he's not taken for granted either :)))
5 Apr, 2009
Just think of all the things you can grow there now :o)
5 Apr, 2009
Terratoonie, Youngdaisydee, yep, he's brilliant really. Iron's his own shirts coz it hurts my neck and shoulders to do it!
Oh, Toto, how sad you are! You hubby's are not taken for granted, us wives just like to pretend you are, lol!!!
Hywel, I've several plants waiting to go in that spot! It's mostly shady, but I've chosen shade loving plants. I'm sure I'll find a few more in time to squeeze in, titter!!
6 Apr, 2009
Oh dear, where are the boys going to practise their football now?
Seriously though, what a great job your hubbie has done and what fun you are going to have filling it with plants. Do let us know what you decide to grow there, and show us when they are in.
6 Apr, 2009
Heehee Xela! After 10 years of putting up with it, it's being assigned to the dump!!! I want a nice garden for adults now! No, my son is nearly 20 and well outgrown it, thank goodness. Lol!!
Thanks, I will put in piccies when it's ready!! Watch this space as they say!!!
6 Apr, 2009
Great job CN's hubby. It looks lovely.
Poor poor poor Toto......downtrodden, intimidated and taken for granted.....from all your complaining anyone would think you really were downtrodden, intimidated and taken for granted....but I bet you're not really. :o)
7 Apr, 2009
Jane is wondering - your men ? you have more than one available for this kind of thing doesnt know whether to congratulate or sympathise with you ..lol
Poor Toto Gilli - he must be downtrodden he even has to tolerate wasps in his shed he s banished there that often !
I only have to sit with spiders in mine .
11 Apr, 2009
Hee hee. BB, serves Toto right.
At least you don't have to sit with Black Widow spiders, BB. That's what is in my shed.....but I banish Murray to the garage....!!
11 Apr, 2009
No but Sister - in - law has a pet Tarantula ..so have to behave lol Black widows ? please what would Toto make of them ! Females eating the males - what was that song the female of the species more deadly than the male ..
11 Apr, 2009
I don't know the song BB but the Black Widows certainly know how to deal with those pesky males. LOL.
I'll have to try and get some photos of the B.Widows. They are so shy though its usually hard to approach them without them scuttling off to their dark corners.
11 Apr, 2009
Haha Bb! My "men" are my dear hubby and son, who is nearly 20, and my male cat Tigger, who loves to dig holes in the garden and fill with fertiliser!!!!!
Sorry, don't know the song either but Tarantula's? Wow! You are brave to visit your s.i.l. at all!!!
12 Apr, 2009
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Well done hubby :o)
5 Apr, 2009